soilwork show

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
i read at that soilwork was playing 1/30. does anyone know the details on that? where it is, who they are playing with, stuff like that.
Of all places, they're playing in this small town called Sandnes, which is hours away from Oslo, where you'd definitely want to go. Sandnes has got about 20 000 inhabitants, I guess, and Oslo has got half a million and a lot more to offer.
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well, that could be ok. is that up towards the north? im gonna be spendin time up there as well,a ssuming i can actually get ahold of family up there. damn emails boncing!
It's actually in the Southwestern part of Norway, in the Rogaland area. You'd have to board a plane to Stavanger, then drive for a short while to Sandnes. Are you going to visit Oslo too? You really should.
yes, oslo is my first stop. im gonna spend a few days there, goto that inferno party and be a tourist. then head to oppdal, assuming i can actually get ahold of family there. im having a bitch of a time, damn email, i figured it out though i think. anyways, yeah, thats the plan
So, how are things going? Do you got a family to live with? While in Oslo, you should go to the pub called "Elm Street", where all the Norwegian metallers hang out!
things are goin good although im still have a bitch of a time getting ahold of family. i keep trying though. i may have to snail mail them, if i can actually find an adress. the name i have over there isnt listed in the white pages. you have any suggestions?

what are the drinking laws over there? im not much of a drinker, plus i think i may get in trouble if i drink and my air force guy finds out, i think i still have to follow the US laws. or somthin. ill have to figure that out. go and drink some pansy drinks hahaha
If you're 18, you can buy beer and wine and such, but you have to be 20/21 if you want stronger things like spirits and such. Concerning your family problems; Norwegians aren't the most open persons when it comes to meeting new and different people, but we open up a lot and are very friendly when we've gotten to know the person better. So you may have problems with finding a family. If you have a name that you don't find in the phone book, try this search engine:

"Fornavn" means "forename"
"..og etternavn" means "..and surname"
"Område" means area
"eller telefonnummer" means "or phone number"
"Søk" means search

This should help you to find addresses/phone numbers/what you need.
i found the the adress and phone number. i had the spelling wrong. damn you and your wierd characters!!!! haha. anyways. i think i will snail mail em. but i dunno how to write the adress. over here its:
state, zipcode

but what i found is all wierd. how do i write it?
*does the search*. ok, im getting the same name. what is a blomster? and why do i want to send one?
:lol: Blomster means "flowers". If you click on that button, you can send flowers to that address. Now for that address thing - we don't have your state system in Norway, we have something called "fylker", but that's pretty irrelevant, as we don't mention the "fylker" at the envelope. Write the address like this:

First name and surname (Ola Nordmann)
Street and streetnumber (Karl Johans Gate 10)
Zipcode and city (0506 Oslo)
Country (Norway)
so i think i am missing a piece of this...

#### Lønset
*zip code*, oppdal

that look right? and do you know the zipcode for where ever that is?
so then what is Lønset? is that a town? cuz in the forwarded emails i have, she says she is from oppdal
I did a quick google search, and it seems that Lønset is a place in Oppdal. It COULD be the streetname, though.. If you have her e-mail address, ask her.