Some Feedback Please?

thanks for the help man, I deff was aware of the sloppy guitar playing. I'm not much of a guitarist.
Hey maybe bring the bass back up, but EQ it differently. Because ur guitars would sound bad ass with the bass higher but EQ'd better. Try adding more thmup to your kick (around 60-80hz) and bring that fucking bass up. post another clip after!
I like the sound overall even if the low end needs to be somehow improved, maybe you could try to gently low-shelf your tracks
is it just me or that guitar way off time of the drums?

I don't think it's that bad. I think it's just the kick it clicking too much and isn't glued to the mix like the guitars are the kick is making it seem much more off than it is. Sounds pretty good though man. :D
hey guys, I put up another link in the post above, I didn't real feel like I changed enough to make it another post, but I did make the kick blend in more and I also used a tad of gclip on the master. Thanks! Also I think it feels off timing some, because I'm not much of a guitar player (always played bass and drums in bands) and my recording definitely suffer from that.