Some things you may not have known about me... survey.

Sorry yall. I'm bored sitting here and my friend sent this to me.

Things you may not have known about me.....

A) Four jobs I have had in my life:
1) IBM Corporate slave
2) Assistant Manager music store
3) Cashier metalshop bitch at a music store
4) HR for Regence Blue Shield

B) Four movies you would watch over and over:
1) Boondock Saints
2) Interview with A vampire
3) Braveheart
4) Texas Chainsaw Massacre
There are many more, but those will do

C) Four places you have lived:
1) Seattle, WA
2) South, Milwaukee
3) Pueblo, CO
4) Milwaukee, WI

D) Four TV shows you love to watch:
1) not many so I'll say
2) Discovery Channel
3) History Channel
4) A& E

E) Four places you have been on vacation:
1) Las Vegas
2) Tampa FL
3) Asheville, NC
4) Orlando FL

F) Websites you visit daily: (or semi-weekly)
1) myspace
2) Yahoo Mail
4) my store admin

G) Four of my favorite foods:
1) Italian
2) Greek
3) Mexican
4) all fruit (mmmm)

H) Four places I would rather be right now:
1) Seattle, WA
2) Ireland
3) Spain
4) Germany
I never had a job in my life

the gladiator
some old movie with the war between augustus and cleopatra

websites i visit daily
yahoo mail

mind of mancia
daily show
something on discovery/history channels
national geographic
sex and the city

places i\'ve been in vacation:
kusadasi, turkey
itay (when i was 7 don\'t remember too many things)
las vegas (with my familly 3 years ago)

romanian food
shaorma (turkish food)
italian food

places i would rather be now
constanta, romania where i am
seattle,wa where i will be in a month
the moon
Tee said:
don't be a feget here, the lady wanted to share something w us. :zzz:

i really dont care, i hate internet "surveys" its bad enough that I cant login to myspace to see if anyone has anything important to post in a bulletin because all i see is "100 things about me" and "new survey" filling the whole list. Or bullshit chain letters in my email, but come on, do we really need to post surveys on fucking forums now too?

news flash, no one reads surveys, they just fill out them out with their own info, and never read yours.
DreamNeonBlack said:
" Lisa, stop making that noise"

" but Dad, I have to practice"

"I'll practice you!!!"

" I'll practice you? what does that even mean? Is it supposed to be some kind of threat? "

implied, lisa? or implode.
firewalkjen said:
Sorry yall. I'm bored sitting here and my friend sent this to me.

Things you may not have known about me.....

A) Four jobs I have had in my life:
1) IBM Corporate slave
2) Assistant Manager music store
3) Cashier metalshop bitch at a music store
4) HR for Regence Blue Shield

B) Four movies you would watch over and over:
1) Boondock Saints
2) Interview with A vampire
3) Braveheart
4) Texas Chainsaw Massacre
There are many more, but those will do

C) Four places you have lived:
1) Seattle, WA
2) South, Milwaukee
3) Pueblo, CO
4) Milwaukee, WI

D) Four TV shows you love to watch:
1) not many so I'll say
2) Discovery Channel
3) History Channel
4) A& E

E) Four places you have been on vacation:
1) Las Vegas
2) Tampa FL
3) Asheville, NC
4) Orlando FL

F) Websites you visit daily: (or semi-weekly)
1) myspace
2) Yahoo Mail
4) my store admin

G) Four of my favorite foods:
1) Italian
2) Greek
3) Mexican
4) all fruit (mmmm)

H) Four places I would rather be right now:
1) Seattle, WA
2) Ireland
3) Spain
4) Germany

^ Pretty cool jen :)
I like this thread! Interesting.
I always like to know things I didn't know... err, you know what I mean.
Things you may not have known about me.....

1) When I was 15 I had a minor crush on Michael Stipe
2) I'm a sucker for pets or people with pets
3) I really *HATE* potato chips they make me gag
4) I have to eat something in the morning or else I get horrible headaches
5) I love to sing.
6) I donated my entire pay check of one month to Katrina Animal rescue foundation
7) I love the smell of really old oaky houses
8) right now I'd really like to be in Belgium and talk to a specific friend of mine
9) I lost my sun glasses today. FUCK
10) are you still reading this?
11) I have a subscription for Tropical Fish Magazine - I'm such a nerd
12) I always carry my camera with me
13) My first kiss was when I was 14.
14) I still haven't fixed my bumper, so Im still driving a yukky-bumper car
15) I read a lot. some say too much.. heh
16) I think that ever since I quit smoking, Ive become addicted to Peppermint Pattys
17) I have a little herb garden. - again, I am such a nerd.
18) I have discovered that Passion fruit doesn't make you passionate, but it makes you sleepy. - you're welcome, I always love to give out useful information
19) I don't get people who like Starbucks
20) I don't get most people, so thats ok.
21) hi
22) I once had a picture on Time Out Magazine cover kissing a girl..
23) I never ever in my life did anything harder than weed/ hash and never will
24) I get a long with 99% of people I meet. How is that possible?!?!
25) I herby release you to go read better things on the nevermore board.

thank you. That was fun.. .hehehe
I read them too, and now I'm going to fill this one out, just to spite you, Mike! ;)

Things you may not have known about me.....

A) Four jobs I have had in my life:
1) Warehouse at Redline BMX (AWESOME job)
2) Roofer for Boeing
3) Lot Attendant at a Ford dealership (another awesome job)
4) Radio DJ/Web Designer for 7 radio stations (the greatest job ever!)

B) Four movies you would watch over and over:
1) Rad
2) Dances With Wolves
3) The Ladies Man
4) Requiem For a Dream

C) Four places you have lived:
1) Seattle, WA
2) Kent, WA
3) Kenmore, WA
4) Renton, WA

D) Four TV shows you love to watch:
1) UFC/Pride or any MMA action
2) Married With Children re-runs

E) Four places you have been on vacation:
1) Scottsdale, AZ
2) Bay Area, CA
3) Wyoming
4) Honolulu, Hawaii

F) Websites you visit daily: (or semi-weekly)
4) Myspace

G) Four of my favorite foods:
1) Tater Tot Casserole
2) Omelettes
3) Anything barbecued (especially vegetables)
4) Turkey Sandwich

H) Four places I would rather be right now:
1) On tour
2) At home
3) Band practice
Dead_Lioness said:
and vegtables! Thats where most of my grocery money goes to...
fruit and veggies
Mine too. Yesterday I went to the farmer's market and got a shitload of stuff. The guy that drove me couldn't believe how much stuff I bought since I live alone.
Dead_Lioness said:
Things you may not have known about me.....

1) When I was 15 I had a minor crush on Michael Stipe
2) I'm a sucker for pets or people with pets
3) I really *HATE* potato chips they make me gag
4) I have to eat something in the morning or else I get horrible headaches
5) I love to sing.
6) I donated my entire pay check of one month to Katrina Animal rescue foundation
7) I love the smell of really old oaky houses
8) right now I'd really like to be in Belgium and talk to a specific friend of mine
9) I lost my sun glasses today. FUCK
10) are you still reading this?
11) I have a subscription for Tropical Fish Magazine - I'm such a nerd
12) I always carry my camera with me
13) My first kiss was when I was 14.
14) I still haven't fixed my bumper, so Im still driving a yukky-bumper car
15) I read a lot. some say too much.. heh
16) I think that ever since I quit smoking, Ive become addicted to Peppermint Pattys
17) I have a little herb garden. - again, I am such a nerd.
18) I have discovered that Passion fruit doesn't make you passionate, but it makes you sleepy. - you're welcome, I always love to give out useful information
19) I don't get people who like Starbucks
20) I don't get most people, so thats ok.
21) hi
22) I once had a picture on Time Out Magazine cover kissing a girl..
23) I never ever in my life did anything harder than weed/ hash and never will
24) I get a long with 99% of people I meet. How is that possible?!?!
25) I herby release you to go read better things on the nevermore board.

thank you. That was fun.. .hehehe

Time Out magazine cover kissing a girl? How did you get that gig hehehe