Someone else agrees Spiderman was overrated.....


This is an excerpt from Pat McDonald, I couldn't agree more, I mean this is my opinion 100%. Keep in mind, to this day I have a Spiderman telephone that I use. A spiderman shaving kit and radio behind glass in my bathroom, and Spectacular Spiderman #1, Web of Spiderman # 1, the Secret Wars issue where SPidey gets the black suit, and an autographed Tod McFarlane Spidey # 1, so this isn't a slam, this is FACT

Furthermore, this summer, day in and day out, critics wrote long, extensive articles detailing point for point why audiences should like Spider-man more than Attack of the Clones. Yes, they sit and groan and agonize over Lucas' dialogue, then go over and gush about Spider-man. I mean, that movie literally had lines like, "We'll meet again, Spider-man!" But to the ears of critics, "We'll meet again, Spider-man!" may as well have been a Shakesperean soliloquoy. I know I must be missing something here. I'm just not sure what it is.

Just for the record, I did like Spider-man, and even went to see it twice, so this isn't a slam. It's just very genuine bafflement. Is everyone being paid off by Sony or something? Nothing in the entire Star Wars saga could possibly match the corn-fest of the scene in which the Green Goblin crashes through Aunt May's wall, to which she replies "Deliver us ... FROM EVOLLLLL!!!!" Very wince-inducing. I shudder to think what the critical response would have been if Lucas had incorporated a scene like that in the prequels, or if he had produced a villian like the Green Goblin ...
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the movie, I've seen it multiple times, but I don't think it is any better than X-Men. I mean, c'mon, Green Goblin looked like Gumby meets Shredder, and some of the scenes, like the fake old lady in the fire, pure cheeseball. People are calling it a "classic" Great movie, yes, classic, no way.
I agree totally. I didn't think Spiderman was a bad movie at all. But I couldn't understand why EpII recieved so much backlash from the critics (mostly about the cheesy dialogue and the convoluted plot) and Spidey got raves, even though the Green Goblin at one point actually said, "We'll meet again, Spiderman!"
You can argue that Spiderman was staying true to the spirit of the original comics, but Star Wars is really doing the same thing. Star Wars was always meant to be an homage to the movie serials of old and the dialogue reflects that. Star Wars has always had cheesy dialogue.
Anyhoo, when I saw Spiderman, I pretty much knew what was going to happen. It was familiar material. It was mostly just a matter of how well they could pull it off (and I thought they did really well). With Star Wars, even though we know how everything turns out, it's still interesting to see how we got there.
And I thought Kirsten Dunst looked like shit with red hair....


(and anyone who had trouble following the plot of EpII is an idiot....)
When I first saw Green Goblin, I thought I was watching Power Rangers. But mostly I went to see the movie for KIRSTEN DUNST, because I'm not that big of a Spidey fan. But I'll probably cream my pants when the new Punisher movie comes out. It's actually supposed to follow the comic book unlike the debacle of a movie starring Dolph Lundgren. :puke: But if it's an adapted Pun movie, I hope it's adapted from the Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon Maxi-Series. Then I definetly will cream my pants.
Not the best work by one of my favorite directors, Sam Raimi. We waited so long for spider-man to hit the screen that when they finally got the go ahead they rushed it a bit too much. I am a fuckin nutty Star Wars fan, and from the public reaction to the Phantom Menace(which was conjured up from the media)I wasn't surprised at all at how Clones was received. Star Wars kicks ass over Spidey any day.

Oh, about that "We'll meet again..." dialogue....that was purely comic book. I don't see the huge problem with a handful of cornball dialogue because it was after all, a comic book flick.
I thought Spiderman was a great movie and feel safe in saying it will be remembered as a classic but it wasn't flawless. I thoght it was kinda cheesey at times (like amost all movies these days) and I still can't get over the new look of the Goblin which I thought looked like a cross between The Mask & Pimp Bot.
As for comparing it to Star Wars, that like comparing apples & oranges. They were 2 very diffrent types of movies and while I liked Spiderman better I still enjoyed Episode II very much. I actually thought it was better then Episode I.
I hadn't heard anyone say that Spider-man was a "classic" movie. It certainly wasn' was a typical brainless summer fun movie, and it did that well. It was good, and one of the better comic book/superhero adaptations that I've seen, but compare it to a movie what will be a classic like "Lord of the Rings", and Spidey can't hold a candle to it.

Episode II wasn't a bad movie, but in comparison to the others (in my opinion anyway), it doesn't measure up. Maybe it was my expectations, but having seen every other Star Wars movie at least 5 times each, I barely had the motivation to see Episode II twice, and that's only because I wanted to see if the digital projection made a difference. Yes, dialog has always been cheesey in all the movies, but at least in the original trilogy the characters were likeable. The first half of the movie was just plain boring, and while the second half improved, 2 minutes of Yoda swinging a light sabre couldn't erase the sedating effects of the beginning. But hey, that's just me. For those that did like it, glad you enjoyed it.
Sam Ramis best (outside of the evil dead trilogy) was The Gift and then maybe Darkman. I saw a lot of similar elements in spiderman that I saw in Darkman. BOTH movies kicked ass. Both I think, did what they were ment to do.
I was let down by the Dolph Lundgren Punisher vehicle, back in '89....but it is now one of my faves on dvd. it is ULTRA violent compared to the watered down matrix-esque crap out there today. Personally I liked SPIDER-MAN, as a Sam Raimi picture. However, his best work was The Gift w/ Darkman a close second....

On a better note, hella many films are FINALLY in production that will rule ass. Listen to this....

and my fave GHOST RIDER

All of these movies are out of limbo and finally in pre or post production, and I couldn't be more happy.
Spiderman II, well I have to come back on that one could be the Christmas Blockbuster in Europe, I hate to wait so long for most of the movies to come out over here!!!!!!

@ Brat , part II the girly one???