Something awesome about KDE

it's ok Gav... while you limeys are wasting time writing all those unnecessary "U"s, us yanks are fuckin' all yer girlfriends, ;)
While this is not the point of the thread.

English = England = Britian

thats like telling all Spanish speaking countries that they don't speak the real Spanish because its not identical to the Spanish in Spain.

In terms of speaking English phonetically, the British are all over the place, which is actually a new thing, I have seen older British videos around the 40s and 50s and found that the extreme difference in accent are a more recent thing.
Are you sure your locale settings aren't off? (KDE has its own way of doing lots of things, and as I recall one of those things may be region setting.)

what the fuck is KDE

It's one of the many desktop environments you could be using if you had better taste in operating systems.

Oh, quit faking it - you're perpetually stuck in 1985, you probably had to go look 'operating system' up in the Encyclopaedia Britannica you bought from a door-to-door salesman while wearing a zoot suit and hoping you never get polio.

Don't judge me because i snort coke of my DeLorean thats pumping "Safety Dance"!
I'm not judging you for that, I'm judging you because your Jitterbug doesn't jitter enough and your cuneiform is irregular. Prepare for fisticuffs, hooligan!
