something dumb you've done on the piss??

After playing football in a trial game in Moree the first time the Club won we had lots of drinkees, I fell on my bar stool in the Pub , cracked my head open , got put in a cab sent home . Woke up next day and told my wife I'd been mugged in the loo.
Generally it always seems to invole me falling over and cracking my head open . Another time there was a Australia day piss up at the Ambulance Station in Broken Hill ,concrete floor, beer spilt Tims slips over smashes head open , tells Ambo's to fuk off & leave me alone (wife sends Tim home). Another was in Broken Hill just before we married , had beers after work went home , locked out as Michelle at her mums & dads Tim lays down in Garage to wait for her , nearly run over by bright yellow laser- not my fault.
Don't get me started on people called Tim getting drunk in Broken Hill! HAHAHA! I have PLENTY of weird and wonderful stories to tell! :D

I actually got lost there 'cos I was so drunk... and anyone that knows how small Broken Hill is will know that that was a pretty good effort! HAHA!

And Stevo - I've heard a few of your drunk stories... Believe me, folks, some of them are excellent (not to mention unrepeatable! HAHAHA!)