Sons of Liberty - Jon Schaffer's new solo project


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Hello friends,

UPDATE: This has already aired, links are available to watch/listen here:

For the last several months I have been working on a new project/solo album called Sons of Liberty. I am excited to unveil this and talk about the motivations behind it this Friday on the Alex Jones show.

I will be in the studio with Alex on Friday December 18th at 2pm CST. The show is broadcast from 11am to 3pm CST to over 80 stations nation wide.

To find a station near you, go to or stream it LIVE for free from

Just click on and you will be able to follow the broadcast.

Prison Planet members can watch the interview from PrisonPlanet.TV

On a newly created website that will go live Friday, December 18th, you will be able to download and listen to this new album for free. You will also be able to purchase a high-resolution version. The web address is

My desire is for Sons of Liberty to become part of a much larger movement that is happening around the world. This new website will be a think-tank containing lots of interesting web-links, book and movie recommendations, and much more. This will be an ongoing process, so check back often.

I am very proud to be invited to Alex Jones’ show and I feel this is the perfect place for me to reveal the first Sons of Liberty album entitled “Brush-fires of the Mind.”

This is about the message and not the messenger. This is a project that I encourage you to copy and share with your friends.

I care very much about what is happening in our world, we’ve been steamrolling down this road for a long time, so I assure you this is not a politically biased message. I’m hoping to set a few brush-fires in the minds of the listeners with this one. So please, check it out, do the research and get involved!

Looking forward to getting your responses on this new chapter in my life!

All the best,

Jon Schaffer
Holy shit!

I was just listening to this yesterday, found it on the arthurshall forums. Keep up the good work!!
The Album totally kicks ass!
Almost makes me want to involve, even though i don´t give a shit:D

Hail Schaffer
I really like this album. It's something different from Iced Earth but you can tell that Jon Schaffer is behind it.

It's pretty patriotic but I don't see it as a bad thing. Schaffer is known for his patriotic feelings so... what's the problem? The message of the album is very very interesting.
I am one who kind of liked Iced Earth but felt they were always very uneven. Sometimes I would love an album at first but then coming to the end of it I was so tired of the style ("Night of the stormrider" comes to mind). Often a band where the indiviual songs are great but the whole didnt really click with me.

With that said I kind of stumbeled across Sons of Liberty through a blog I am reading (that doesnt really focus much on music) and I decided to check it out. I was very surprised when I found myself really liking the album. Sure the quotes and spoken words parts can drag sometimes but as a whole I think it is a really solid record. I appreciate this much more than the Iced Earth stuff to be honest (with some exceptions like "burnt offerings"). Really good heavy metal record. I would recomend people to check it out.