St Anger is horrible, i'm listening to it now

I have preordered and paid for it and after reading all this it has made me kinda sceptical.

Anyways I'm gonna make up my own mind, but positive comments would've made it more exciting.

Oh well, long live ANTHRAX, long live METAL.
Nu-metal's "in", therefore St. Anger will sell a bazillion copies just cuz of how much it's been promo'd on the airwaves. It could totally suck and from what I've read, I'l pass on the $15 for the CD when I can always hunt for a Vol 8 CD. I ALWAYS keep $15 on me in case I come across V8.
St. Anger is absolutely, positively, totally horrible. My buddy at work rushed to the store to get it this morning. He had it playing on his stereo, but I played WCFYA on mine so I did not have to hear to much of it. He asked me if I wanted him to burn me a copy. I told him not to waste a blank CD.
You guys haven't talked about the DVD yet, which is the saving grace of St. Anger.

I just got done watching and listening to the DVD. I put the CD on first but only listened to half of it since the actual CD sounded the same quality as the MP3s I downloaded the other night. I just can't deal with the shit CD production....the terrible bell snare, the uneven mix, the lack of high end and overall muddiness, it just sucks.
However, the sound on the DVD is easily 100% better than the CD. The drums do sound like stupid ping-y bell bullshit. The guitars don't sound anywhere as muddy, mainly because the DVD sound has plenty of high end, unlike the stupid CD. You can hear the bass guitar better on the DVD too. This just further proves to me how important production is because, while the 11 new songs overall are far from great, I definitely like the songs twice as much, or more, on the DVD.
James even sings them better, like standard James sounding voice instead of some of that annoying high end whiny vocal crap on the CD.
I doubt i'll ever play the CD again, there's no reason to. There is nothing
at all on the CD that is even close to sounding as good as the DVD. Even if i'm not in the mood to watch it, I can just listen to the DVD.
Plus I can burn a CD-R from the audio on the DVD.
Comparing the production on the DVD to past Metallica recordings, it sounds a lot to me like Garage Days Re-revisited.
Future pressings of St. Anger should just throw away the awful studio
production and replace it with the audio from the DVD.
For the $10 I paid at Best Buy, I don't think the CD, on an enjoyment level is worth 10 cents, let alone $10. The DVD though is definitely worth the $10.

That being said, I still think We've Come For You All is an infinitely better album than St. Anger is. I doubt i'll get many people arguing against that opinion on this message board. :)
I'm going to be with the majority here when I say that I kind of like it too. Before :hotjump: me, let me explain my thoughts.

First, I think the riffs of most of the songs are good. Lots of headbanging potential. They aren't anything extraordinary, but it'll work. Several of the songs are good, but there's parts in most of them where James just starts singing in keys he shouldn't. I think it's Dirty Window when he starts going "oohhh ohhh" or something in a higher just doesn't fit him or the song. The snare is definitely weird. It would have been ok in the right song, not EVERY song. I'll give the DVD a shot and see if it's any better quality. I think most of the songs would be liked by more people if they'd fix James' vocals and that damn snare.

Songs I'm liking a lot so far:
St Anger
Some Kind of Monster
Shoot Me Again

There just doesn't seem to be any cohesiveness in some songs. Instead of bridging from one sound to another, they just stop and start playing the new sound (I hope you guys understand that, I'm not a professional music critic lol).

Metallica started heading for the land of controversy when they hired Bob Rock. I don't like him and never have. If there will be another album, I hope he is not involved. People should hate him instead of Metallica for what has happened with their music.
nythraxfan said:
You guys haven't talked about the DVD yet, which is the saving grace of St. Anger.

I just got done watching and listening to the DVD. I put the CD on first but only listened to half of it since the actual CD sounded the same quality as the MP3s I downloaded the other night. I just can't deal with the shit CD production....the terrible bell snare, the uneven mix, the lack of high end and overall muddiness, it just sucks.
However, the sound on the DVD is easily 100% better than the CD. The drums do sound like stupid ping-y bell bullshit. The guitars don't sound anywhere as muddy, mainly because the DVD sound has plenty of high end, unlike the stupid CD. You can hear the bass guitar better on the DVD too. This just further proves to me how important production is because, while the 11 new songs overall are far from great, I definitely like the songs twice as much, or more, on the DVD.
James even sings them better, like standard James sounding voice instead of some of that annoying high end whiny vocal crap on the CD.
I doubt i'll ever play the CD again, there's no reason to. There is nothing
at all on the CD that is even close to sounding as good as the DVD. Even if i'm not in the mood to watch it, I can just listen to the DVD.
Plus I can burn a CD-R from the audio on the DVD.
Comparing the production on the DVD to past Metallica recordings, it sounds a lot to me like Garage Days Re-revisited.
Future pressings of St. Anger should just throw away the awful studio
production and replace it with the audio from the DVD.
For the $10 I paid at Best Buy, I don't think the CD, on an enjoyment level is worth 10 cents, let alone $10. The DVD though is definitely worth the $10.

That being said, I still think We've Come For You All is an infinitely better album than St. Anger is. I doubt i'll get many people arguing against that opinion on this message board. :)

Thanks for the DVD comments. I haven't watched it yet. I am on my 3rd pass thru on the CD and I still can't get into most of it. There are some really good parts, then they switch it up and it just goes terrible. I'll be sure to check out the DVD.
my firneds have told me the cd is decent, bu ti havent listend and im not really interested. but one good thing, metallicas setlist for current tour is all oldschool shit like MOP RTL and KEM, so if they come close i might see them if the ticket aint more than 30 bucks, if its more, metallica can go to hell and choke on their sour grapes.
Listened to it on my plane rides back from Cali....
Not their best, not their worst. Dvd is awesome as fuck. They are giving a mission statement that they are done w/ hard rock and back to metal...too bad Anthrax gave a HELLA more agressive mission statement with W C F Y A , and never even had to come back to metal in the first place.

Bottom line. Listenable. Quenches my THIRST for new Metallica....but, does not feed my HUNGER.
Drop Bob, produce your own shit. Come back to claim the throne of metal that has been TAKEN from you with FULL FORCE by Anthrax. THAT, should be the next and LAST Metallica mission statement. Fuck on a stick, go out on top! If Anthrax never made another record, this would be the crowning achievment.

'Nuff said
I haven't heard it yet, but everyone keeps talking bout the lyrics and shit, has anyone neglected that James was in Rehab, maybe thats when the Lyrics were written while he was withdrawing and whatever from his problrms?
The DVD saves this lackluster effort. The mix on the DVD is so much better than the CD. The drums sound like drums. This could have been some much better with a little bit more work.............oh well.
After many, many listens my main thought is this.
"FUCK! Turn down that snare for fucks sake!"
This record is like the evil twin of ....And Justice for All. But it's growing on me, and that's scary. It's growing on me in a MegadetH 'RISK' sort of way, and I am worried. LOL

And James sounds like Roy Orbison on invisible kid.
James is not Lefty Wilbury.
I do have to say I think "invisible kid" is atrocious. Is that the song where he starts saying ooooohhhh, ooooohhhh?

On a more positive note, I'm requesting safe home from the local rock stations to get them to play it somewhere. I'm using St. Anger as a starting point since they keep playing it and it's supposedly "heavy", I think they should be able to play some ANthrax for me.
The snare is just so horrible. I can not begin to describe it. The guitars sound sloppy and still too grungy. I miss the older, more precise sound of Justice or even the Black album.

I think I like the DVD better than the album. They seem to be a little ... hungrier ... as they play.

The songs are actually pretty decent. The great part is, if you don't like a part, keep listening, it will change soon enough. It's almost stream of consciousness metal.

I understand the criticisms of this one, and it is far from a masterpiece. I think a couple of songs could've been really good with better production values and a little restructuring. But it is what it is, and after Load and Re-Load it is an improvement.

Now if someone would just call the BBB and report the guy that sold Lars that drumkit and send a soundtech over to fix the short in the lead amp, we might actually get a good sound.