Stefan Zell

I think he has an amazing voice in general, as it is obviously not strictly limited to just the prog genre. Sounds to me like he draws influence from all kinds of things, and could sing in a slue of different genres. I guess that goes without saying in progressive music, but I guess what I'm saying is that I don't even really think of Wolverine as having a predominate "metal" basis in their music; contrary to what I'd say about a ton of other progressive bands.
The latter do what I'd call basically, progressive metal. Wolverine does what really can't be called anything except for, well; Wolverine.
I think he has an amazing voice in general, as it is obviously not strictly limited to just the prog genre. Sounds to me like he draws influence from all kinds of things, and could sing in a slue of different genres. I guess that goes without saying in progressive music, but I guess what I'm saying is that I don't even really think of Wolverine as having a predominate "metal" basis in their music; contrary to what I'd say about a ton of other progressive bands.
The latter do what I'd call basically, progressive metal. Wolverine does what really can't be called anything except for, well; Wolverine.

Very well said!!:cool: