Still here!

Rev. Clayton

The Singer
Sep 4, 2006
Just for anyone who's wondering what we'll be doing now without a drummer...we are still here! We are fast on the lookout for a drummer to take Sam's place, which as any fan should be aware of, is not an easy task. However, as soon as we find someone worthy enough to take his place we will be looking forward to a new album and many many many new shows!

I just wanted everyone to know that we are hard at work and not taking this time to lay back with our thumbs up are backsides...heh.

Rock on.

Clay ~ Suspyre
To add on to what Clay said, we are pretty much 99% confirmed with the new drummer. We just don't want to make anything official in this stage right now, just in case. I sent him some of the new music I've been writing and he seemed to be excited about learning it. More info in the next couple days, I hope.
So, any news you'd like to share?

The band will be making an announcement by the end of July. Please stay tuned and keep posting here. We're really excited that you folks are posting here on the forum.

I will give you this right now though...

We are finishing up vocals on a song right now that was written awhile back and never recorded. It's sounding really awsome and clips will be up on myspace and the website as soon as possible.

Rock on as always...

Clay ~ Suspyre
You guys spoil us too much. A Great Divide just came out and already we might get a rough copy of a new song? :p

Not that I'm complaining, of course. haha. The more Suspyre, the better.
I had said that I wasn't complaining. It's awesome that a band like you exists. Not only does your music kick ass, you're pumping it out very quickly.