Superhero MP3...


Jul 15, 2002
Kokomo, IN
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I know everyone has heard "Superhero", but I haven't... I haven't been able to find it anywhere, not even KaZaA, does anybody have it or know where I can find it??? I am dying to hear it, I gotta hear something from that album...
Originally posted by Thraxhead1985
I know everyone has heard "Superhero", but I haven't... I haven't been able to find it anywhere, not even KaZaA, does anybody have it or know where I can find it??? I am dying to hear it, I gotta hear something from that album...

Do you have KaZa? Go online with it right now. I have it available for you brother!


This is the 3rd time I have asked to get a link to "Superhero". I had it, but forgot to save it, when I reloaded my OS!

The horror of it all.

I can't find it on Kazaa right now. So if someone (Augdawg---I'm looking at you!) could e-mail it to me? Or let me know when you're gonna be on Kazaa!

Help, fellow Thraxters!

This wait is making me irritable. I know the new record is gonna crush!!! But I can hardly take the suspense anymore! I need to hear whatever I can!!!



Thanks for your support!
:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:
It's a cool tune. It chugs along nicely. It is not terribly fast, gone are the thrash era Anthrax tunes, but it has the "groove-core" feel of the last few Anthrax releases (which I prefer to thrash anyway - this groovy metal is much more melodic) THe only knock on it will be that it sounds like a riff that Vinnie Paul and Dime would have come up with. But all metal is a rip off of Tony Iommi anyway, so who cares!!
Originally posted by TD
It's a cool tune. It chugs along nicely. It is not terribly fast, gone are the thrash era Anthrax tunes, but it has the "groove-core" feel of the last few Anthrax releases (which I prefer to thrash anyway - this groovy metal is much more melodic) THe only knock on it will be that it sounds like a riff that Vinnie Paul and Dime would have come up with. But all metal is a rip off of Tony Iommi anyway, so who cares!!

It reminds me of Volume 8 stuff, actualy. A cross between "Inside Out" and "Big Fat".
[color=#AOEOOA]Ah finally I've found something off the unreleased album, about time, I really should look harder for these things.

Now if it's anything like Vol 8 I'll be happy.[/color]
Yea to me it sounds a awful lot like Inside out, which is not terrible, but I am personally hoping for more of a Stomp sound, but I think I am one of the few people who actually like that album. Of Course I like State of Euphoria, which never gets mentioned.