

...less than a week ago I was thinkin' to myself: "UltimateMetal should have a James Murphy Forum", now here it is.

I recently bought the "Requiem for a Dream" Soundtrack & guess who Engineered, Programmed, & Mixed some of the stuff on it... That's right James Murphy.
I had No idea he did that, I knew he's done some stuff outside of metal as far as producing, but for Requiem, is Great.
That Music is Soooo Moving.

Well, now to check out his site.
Later. :headbang:
Hi everyone,

Regarding the subject of this thread, I will have to look into it myself. Aside form being a guitarist, I have engineered, mixed, and/or produced a great number of CD's in various styles and genres. My memory was greatly effected by the pressure the tumor had put on my brain, but I don't specifically remember this "Requiem for a Dream" project. I am remembering some the the CD's I worked on almost every day, but as of right this moment, I don't think I did it. There is another guy named James Murphy who I believe plays some kind of brass instrument and also engineers and mixes CD's. It is very possible that it was him. What is this "Requiem for a Dream"? Help me get all of memory back!!
No, I would remember having done that, tumor or not. It must have been the "other James Murphy". I think he is an older guy that plays trombone and engineers. I'm not 100% sure.
Hails everyone! (and James of course!:D )

The "Requiem For A Dream" soundtrack exceptional, as is the movie. It features the Kronos Quartet, I'd be surprised if this was one of your (James') albums that you produced, heh...

On another note, here's hoping that things are going better for you health-wise James! You've been a big inspiration to so many and we're all sending positive vibes your way. Stay strong dude!!!
I noticed on cdnow.com, I think it is, if you type in James Murphy and click on the solo cds, then click his highlighted name below you get about 50 different entries that match his name including the Requiem For A Dream soundtrack. Some are ones I'm sure he did but there is one that is really funny. According to the listings our good friend James here has done drums for a Vanessa Williams cd. heheheheehehe!!!!! I didn't know that! LOL.
just kidding, but it is strange what a name can be linked to.

...yeah to see this James Murphy's name in a Terry Bozzio/Victor Wooten cd would have been totally weird, that's why I was shocked when I saw it...but it makes sense that a different James Murphy, the Brass player/Producer would've done that.
It wouldn't surprise me that much if this James Murphy was part of the Requiem for a Dream soundtrack, but it's not...oh well.

Well, thanx for clearing up my confusion. Peace.
Keep on rockin' out James.
No, I didn't do the "Requiem..." soundtrack but I did engineer an album with Steve Smith, Scott Henderson, and Victor Wooten called "Vital Tech Tones" as well as several other CD's for the Tone Center jazz/fusion label. This other JM kind of confuses things but I also hope to get a list/dicography of my engeneering credits up on the site.

Thanks for being interested enough to try and find out!