System of a Down


New Metal Member
Mar 11, 2002
Boulder, Co
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I just downloaded Pussy Whipped by System of a Down. It's damn indistiguishable from SOD's classic residing on Speak English of Die. Now let me give you some history here, I'm a somewhat old metal head, started with Iron Maiden (EVERYTHING up to Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, after they lost Adrian Smith everything went to shit), Dio, blah blah blah, anyways, back in the days when the 4 bands (Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax, Megadeth) reigned supreme and more importantly...equal. Also, I'm not trying to sound old-school and be like those jerks that say "I saw it first! Therefore I'm better!" I'm just givin ya info for later on.

I've tried throughout the years to get some of my more recent metal head friend's to look back to some of the roots of it all (well thrash at least). Of course, SOD was at the top of my list. Metal Church's debut album is also heavily overlooked too. None of them would have any part of it.

So now they're all big fans of System of a Down. It's a glorious day for me! I was right dammit! *laughs*

Anyways...that's not the reason I posted. The real reason is that I started looking on the net and couldn't find anything/anyone that actually acknowledged that Pussy Whipped is an SOD song. I didn't look that hard, but still. Everyone was clueless. I hope that System of a Down said something. SOD's gone far too long as unnoticed.

Two requests here:
1) how the hell did I miss Anthrax Behind the Music. Are they going to replay it anytime soon. Or better yet, how can I get a copy.
2) I'm so far out of the metal scene it's ridiculous, so anyone got any suggestions for some classic 80-90's thrash, like Exodus, DRI, or ST. I'd like to check out some of the new stuff out there.

I think that somehow it got mislabeled, and really is the S.O.D. we all know as Stormtroopers of Death. See System Of a Down is S.O.D. if you abbreviate and leave out the a. I just think somehow it got mislabeled
Yeah. Unfortunately it's being toted as System of a Down's song all over the place. I thought it sounded ridiculously like SOD (the true SOD), but there's all kinds of stuff on the net about the great new song called _Pussy Whipped_ by System of a Down, so I thought they maybe redid it.

Though I'm a dumb ass, my original point still stands. Except now System of a Down is getting credit for a song they didn't even redo!

Unfortunately I also see horribly mislabelled song/artists all over the place. I hate to say it, but it's probably some situation where they someone downloads the song from the net which has the right title/artist and they rename it for some dumbass reason.
Metal church must be the most underated thrash band to have played, so many great songs so many great riffs. If you like thrash check these bands out,
The Haunted
Dark Tranquility
In Flames
Ritual Carnage
KREATOR (the new album violent revolution is awesome)
Machinehead (great new album)
Slipknot (thrash dressed up a bit)
Iced Earth
Iron Maidens new album Brave new world is really good, it would be a shame if it was ignored.
Hope you have Sacred Reich's The American Way and everything by Overkill. cheers radioactive man and remember thrash is good for the soul.
I just downloaded the S.O.A.D version of "pussywhipped".
I think it sounds alot like the original song by S.O.D

What do you guys think?
it probably is SOD and not SOAD. I don't think SOAD would be to into SOD. The cover of Damage incorporated went around the longest time as Dream theater when it wasn't it was like Napalm Death or it was both Napalm Death and dream theater. when I heard it I was like Dream Theater went death metal???? There was also a song called electric sleep that was labeled as a rare ozzy sabbath song but it's not it's by a different band..... can't remember the name.
Hey whats up Bodylouseuk?

From the days when I lived in Seattle I actually meet David Wayne(original Metal Church vocalist), somehow the guitar player of the band I was in knew David and asked David to come and watch our show to give us pointers. It was great because I had no idea he was there, but when were done playing I remember John saying(the guitar player) "I've got a surprise for you" and up walks David Wayne, and I actually recogonized him! David was impressed that I actually knew who he was, but he was very nice! He had a couple of beers with us, and he even said he liked the show! He is certainly one of the coolest musicians I've meet!
My friend and I listened to Metal Church's first album all the time when it first came out (vinyl ,baby). I knew he hadn't heard it in almost 15 years so I thought I would show him my cd. He asked if he could borrow it....two months later it's not in my possesion.:mad: I think their first two albums were great.