Tacoma gig 1 March


Maiden fan since I was 9
Jul 31, 2004
Washington, USA
Just got back from the Tacoma gig. I was really exhausted before the gig, and I almost fell asleep at the bar during the opening act, so I wasn't sure how I'd do when the ladies got on. Well, I was wide awake and fully energized as soon as they hit the stage. And I wasn't the only one - the crowd in front of the stage were as enthused as any other I've seen. With the size of the crowd, you'd never guess that The Iron Maidens were competing with Queensryche for the Seattle-Tacoma area's choice for entertainment tonight. The ladies went up against Queensryche and a full crowd at the Station 56 showed they could pull it off.

The setlist was:


Of course, the highlight of the set list was Alexander the Great. That's one thing I love about the lady Maidens - they play songs live that Iron Maiden never has or no longer does, and I know the fans appreciate it. The Tacoma fans were thrilled to hear the ladies play one of Maiden's greatest epic tunes. I think a close second for the highlight of the set list is Infinite Dreams. That's a great song often overlooked by many fans.

There were a few things to note - Linda played the wrong drum intro before Infinite Dreams (I think it was Wasted Years she played), but did a good job of making it seem like a warmup. I was half expecting her to pull a Nicko by jumping up from behind the kit and saying, "Ha! Fuck me old boots!" Sara had some guitar issues, so Aja had to really step into Bruce's big shoes and keep the crowd going while she fixed them. She did pretty good telling the crowd about the LA gig and Mexico. Linda also had some tech issues, but of the beer kind. As Aja was introducing her, she pulled out a Heineken to take a refreshment break, only to find out she needed a bottle opener. She obviously was displeased. :lol:

Near the end of the show, I was beginning to get worried that something I expect to happen at every show was not going to happen. Then, after Children of the Damned, I believe, it happened. A male fan clawed his way to the front to profess his love for Wanda. :lol: Normally, this happens all throughout the show, but it seems the fans were better behaved than normal. There were only a few knuckleheads in the crowd, but their antics were pretty tame, such as requesting songs to be played while Aja was talking or rocking out so vigorously in the front as to cause the equipment to shift around.

I filmed the gig and got a lot of interactive shots of the band, especially Aja speaking/looking into/pointing at the camera. For a change, I got some really clear shots of Linda behind the kit. I tried as much as I could to get some more Sara shots, but it's difficult since I always film from the right side of the stage because I am right-handed. I got plenty of Heather and Wanda since they were right in front of me.

That's about it. I need to get up for work in about 3 hours, so I need to get some rest. Thanks for a great show ladies! Aja - sorry I couldn't stick around to talk very long. Between early work call tomorrow and my back (lots of pain and my right leg was partially numb through most of the gig), I had to get home soon. Good luck on the rest of your tour, and make sure to play Alexander for the Athens crowd. They'll go absolutely nuts if you do! I hope to see you gals come up to Washington again this summer or sometime soon.
I forgot to add one thing ( :D ):

I only had to pay $5 to get in because Station 56 has a military discount. Think about it - $5 for a great time is a killer deal! Of course, it's never just the cover charge when seeing the ladies play. I always have to buy some gear. I got a hat and a couple of stickers this time. I'll be putting one of the Maidens logo stickers on my car right next to my Iron Maiden logo sticker. :headbang:
Fab!! Thanks!! Let me know when/if it's out for trade. :D

Btw, is there any new merch at the shows that's not in the store?

There are new shirts. But they aren't in the store yet. No time for a picture though however the main banner at the top of the main TIMK site is what it is based upon.

Great review... and nice meeting you too. I'll upload some pics in a while. Another kick-ass show! Thanks for making the trip north, ladies!
I remember you mentioning new shirts briefly before. Cool, I love that version of Edwina. I will have to bag me one of those!! :kickass: Ta Jim!

Here's a peek for ya.

Here's some pics of the show, taken from Heather & Wanda's side of the stage. My camera didn't like the light conditions in there, and it would been rude to use flash... so they didn't turn out the best, but here's a few from the show for your viewing enjoyment.


Heather was kickin' ass all night... not sure how she plays so well with her hair over her eyes. :)


This is one of the few shots I got of Sara that aren't just a blur (settle down will ya? :lol:)


Aja talking to the crowd while Sara's technical difficulties were addressed.


The only shot I got of Linda that doesn't have a cymbal in front of her face... One great thing about this show is you could actually see Linda back there.... seems like she's usually hidden behind the tubs.


Here's Wanda with Linda & Heather in background.

Again... thanks for coming up to the NW! You're welcome any time.
Hey Rya! It was good to chat with you after the show-thanks for sticking around to say hi cuz I know you had an early call that morning.

I had a lot of fun on this show - I love a soundman who's not afraid of reverb and a big delay - it made my day! :headbang:

Heather was kickin' ass all night... not sure how she plays so well with her hair over her eyes. :)


Here's Wanda with Linda & Heather in background.

Heather does kick ass. :headbang:

Wanda's shirt is cool. :)

Thanks for all the pics.
Hey Rya! It was good to chat with you after the show-thanks for sticking around to say hi cuz I know you had an early call that morning.

I had a lot of fun on this show - I love a soundman who's not afraid of reverb and a big delay - it made my day! :headbang:
I was listening to my recording, and most of the reverb and delay is missing since I was in the front. It still sounds good, but it is quite different than what the audience heard in the back.
My camera didn't like the light conditions in there, and it would been rude to use flash... so they didn't turn out the best, but here's a few from the show for your viewing enjoyment.

Yeah, that's a common problem for all of us. I usually take a couple hundred pics at a gig and end up with about 40 that don't have to be deleted due to blurriness. Between the low light, the girls constantly moving around and people in the crowd bumping you as you're hitting the shutter, it's tough. I'd like to upgrade to a real camera that you can swap out lenses, but that's gonna have to wait a while.