

god is in the radio
Dec 29, 2005
Show your tattoos here! I don't have one sadly, but I want one. :hotjump:

Some good ones there .. though I'd probably get a cool snake on my wrist with a symbol for fire (fire-snake, which is the year I was born in on the chinese calendar).
I'll ask my boyfriend if I can post his, he'll probably say no though.

I don't have any, can't quite make up my mind if I want it forever or not.
Is it because it's a pink unicorn?

And forever is < 100 years .. it will rot away with you. Plus, you can also get it removed if necessary.
I want one bad .. maybe in the spring I'll just get up one day and get one done before I realize what I did. :)
FallenTears said:
Im gonna get angel wings on my back on my shoulder blades kinda,

I can't tell you how many bloody people I know with that same damn tattoo.

If I do get a tattoo, I'm designing it myself. And it will be gorgeous and original as hell. Anyway... Back to making more peach cupcakes.

i have this one.
i know some guy who knows some guy who has one. everyone thinks hes gay. not really. A few of my good friends do. i dont. i thought about it but the idea of haveing something shoved through my nipple makes me cringe.
Agreed. I'm a guy and would never get one (really not into piercings at all) but if I were female I might, perhaps, or not .. who knows. :err:


He looks happy at least. If only his parents had loved him... :cry:


I'd do this in a heartbeat..
I have my left nipple pierced. I was 17 when I done it and see no reason to take it out now. I also have a quote on my right forearm, an artistic attempt at drawing DNA from timothy leary's "politics of ecastasy" on my left upper arm. Several small designs running down my spine and the word "born" on my lower leg.