Tel Aviv bombing

Morticia NL.

Orphaned sister
I just heard on CNN that there was an explosion in front of a night club in Tel Aviv about one hour ago- probably a suicide attack.
According to Haaretz newspaper ( at least 24 people have been wounded in the attack.
My thoughts are with the people injured. I hope we will not see another break out of violence cause a lot of friends live there.

I prey it`ll end soon...
the israeli people protested in a very lively way for it: the morning after, the tel aviv beach was full of people heaving fun.
on a first look it seems that they are ignoring the horror happened the night before.. but I know that they actually say: we are here, nothing will move us away from home and nothing will make us fear of living were we belogn.

I really hope this will end soon... for the first time in 35 years there`s an arab leadership that do try to change things.. I hope.
This is really sad thing...seein every step forward made, met by a coward attempt to break it all apart. I hope those who are against peace and brotherhood get lost or be punished for it, it has been said and repeated a million times that enough blood has been shed, it's time for peace.
Cheers my friends.:wave:
London Leatherboy said:
well, I have my own theory when it comes to palestinian terrorism. I won't tell it here becouse you will tell I am jewish anti-arab propagandator:p But hell... nuke'em!

And it's ignorance like yours that compounds the situation and allows the hate to continue to grow and give birth to new generations.

Tell me, why do you consider Palestinians terrorists, yet not Israel?
Becouse 7 members of my family died in Tel Aviv from suicide terrorist bombing. You don't know what you talk about so please SHUT UP!

Papa Josh said:
And it's ignorance like yours that compounds the situation and allows the hate to continue to grow and give birth to new generations.

Tell me, why do you consider Palestinians terrorists, yet not Israel?
London Leatherboy said:
Becouse 7 members of my family died in Tel Aviv from suicide terrorist bombing. You don't know what you talk about so please SHUT UP!

That's an unfortunate result of the idiocy that has plagued that territory for generations, so why not strive to change it instead of further fuel the problem? How many members of families on the other side have been killed?
Good point.

I don't sympathize with one side over the other. I believe that all the strife should stop. I can imagine it's hard, with family being lost and hatred feeling like the only solution. Only through peace will the suffering be abated. Otherwise, it will only continue for another generation. My condolences to the families who have suffered. I was almost getting used to headlines that didn't involve suicide deaths in Israel.

"Old men start the wars and young men die in them."
London, you probably dont know this forum yet, but please, spare us youre language.

I dont want to lock threads just because someone feels like expressing fire starting ideas. there are other ways to enjoy the internet.

I think that "nuke`em" is worst then terrorism. because every word weights. If the world was created by words ("let there be..") then every word counts.
Just work your mind when it comes to talking, and if you feel like failing, do it somewhere else.
The internet is a furtile ground for idiotism and mental disordersin the name of "freedom of speach", shame. Everybody should take responsibility for their words!

good night.
Folklore said:
I think that "nuke`em" is worst then terrorism. because every word weights. If the world was created by words ("let there be..") then every word counts.
Just work your mind when it comes to talking, and if you feel like failing, do it somewhere else.
The internet is a furtile ground for idiotism and mental disordersin the name of "freedom of speach", shame. Everybody should take responsibility for their words!

good night.

well said Avi.
"nuke 'em" is 100% retarded.
so please, London, spare us.
Thre are planty of other places that brain and an actual working mind is optional for the public, and you'll feel right at home there. gauranteed!
This is a place for discussion, but we always keep it polite.
Still I can understand this guy feels strongly about the subject. If you want to continue than do so in a respectful manner. If you do so, I am always willing to listen and talk with you.

WB Karen- too long since we heard from you :)