Testament - Dark Roots of Earth Gallery Print


Aug 21, 2012
I'm Gino Carlini. The Music photographer who photographed all the Images on
"Testament - Dark Roots of Earth".

Because of the positive reviews and requests Ive received for Images
from these photo sessions for the album packaging. For a Limited time
I will be offering Gallery Prints for sale of my Images from the album
photo sessions.

LINK --> 13 x 19 Testament - The Dark Roots Sessions Gallery Print 1 <---LINK
LINK --> 13 x 19 Testament - The Dark Roots Sessions Gallery Print 2 <---LINK
I also have individual Images of each member from the Dark Roots photo
sessions and live images as well. On my site click on the links at the top left
corner to navigate back through my website..

Also please feel free to look throughout my website and you can also order
prints from any of the other bands on my site.

Please email me at carliniphoto@gmail.com for prices and info..