TESTAMENT sells out show in OSLO, NORWAY!

It sounds great whit the sell out and all, but Rock In is a like a pub and only 220 is allowed in.Apparently no where else was available, Testament sure deserve bigger and better.Anyway, I've been a fan of them from the beginning, and this will be my first concert with them, can hardly wait.
lyskatten said:
It sounds great whit the sell out and all, but Rock In is a like a pub and only 220 is allowed in.Apparently no where else was available, Testament sure deserve bigger and better.Anyway, I've been a fan of them from the beginning, and this will be my first concert with them, can hardly wait.

Well, that make sense... HA! And yes, they do deserve bigger and better! They practically sold-out all the 'No Mercy' shows from what I heard.

Have fun, lyskatten! You may see the Dimmu, Susperia, Borkies, et al. there???
Testament Legions said:
Well, that make sense... HA! And yes, they do deserve bigger and better! They practically sold-out all the 'No Mercy' shows from what I heard.

Have fun, lyskatten! You may see the Dimmu, Susperia, Borkies, et al. there???
Thanks, I sure will, I talked to the owner of Rock In a couple of days ago, and she mention that Susperia may be the support, anyone knows if that’s true?
Carnal Forge is support in Oslo. The booking agent here in Oslo is an old friend of mine and he told me that no other venues was available at that day so that's why they're playing at Rock IN. I guess it's just a "fill in" gig. Testament should play at Rockefeller where I saw them the first time in the 80s.

- Asgeir
Thanks for the info. Carnal Forge isn’t exactly one of my favourites, to bad it wasn’t Susperia, or, lets see... Borknagar, wouldn’t that be great. :>)
Testament Legions said:
I want reports from beautiful NORWAY!!!
Well at the moment it's about 10 hours left until tonight's concert, it's seems to be a nice warm day, and I think I'll go to one of the island in the Oslo fjord to pass the time... that kind of report? :p
... I haven’t landed yet! Finally I got to see them, the Mighty TestAmenT.
And being objective, well, that’s not for me, after all they’re my favourite band... ever.
Reviews isn’t exactly my force, but here we go.
The set list was as previously posted as far I got it, and the sound was surprisingly good.
It was totally packed, hotter than hell, and so intense it’s unbelievable, the greatest time ever.
We got some extra treats as well, Asgeir took the drums for DNR, and it was some (
roadie?) guy’s birthday, and in the best of tradition, they got him a stripper... for all to enjoy.
If I should say anything negative it had to be that the vocal were a bit low at times.
And I haven’t forgotten about Carnal Forge, they were actually quite good live, and the sound on their set was very good.
Well I had the time of my life that night, and... all my thanks to TestAmenT for all that amazing music over the years.

hmmm... A roadie had his birthday when they played in Oslo? thats strange, cause a roadie had a birthday when they played in Sweden aswell... no stripper though =( ... Is this just a coincident or is someone pulling our legs here??
asgeir said:
Carnal Forge is support in Oslo. The booking agent here in Oslo is an old friend of mine and he told me that no other venues was available at that day so that's why they're playing at Rock IN. I guess it's just a "fill in" gig. Testament should play at Rockefeller where I saw them the first time in the 80s.

- Asgeir

Ah, I was wondering wtf, why don't they play at least on John Dee or maybe So What.
They shouldn't have any problem selling out Rockefeller either.