thank you everyone!

Mar 21, 2002
as you may see, now i'm back in Tokyo...
it was a long flight again but i was so happy this time. all the photos i took with my digi cam and the CDs of the band which played at the festival kept me smiling.

i would like to say thank you to the ppl who i've met over there.
Glenn and Paula, i was so glad and felt welcomed when you could tell my name at the pre-party entrance, you are so sweet!

Bear, Mark, Jay, DarkOne, Mike (i'll send you BG pix for sure!) Eurometal, Dustin and Sheri (sp?) John, and so many friendly people who spoke to me, i could feel at home &ease because of you! the show itself was wonderful, but you all the guys made this event more memorable for me!

thanks again, i'll post again after catching up with all the daily chore which has been undone while i was away!!!

kisses & hugs to you!
(anyone who attended that event will be welcomed here as well!)

It was indeed awesome Junnie. It was great meeting you and the boys from Angra at the same time. Edu is the nicest guy on the planet. Of course my attention span was miniscule because I wanted to talk to everyone about everything all at the same time!
you are the nicest as well Jay!!! yes the boys from Angra are very down to earth and sweet people! so are the Edguy boys!!
and most of the band members who played there were so kind!!! i really love the atmosphere of this festival, and it was made by the people like you Jay :)

can't wait to see you again next year!!!!
It was my pleasure to meet you and your friend Kyoko, you are very nice ladies. For me, I have to say that we shared one of the most memorable moments from the whole weekend together. The dinner and drinks with Angra, how cool was that. Take care

Hi Junnie,

I'm so glad that I had the chance to meet you and Kyoko. You are both wonderful people and I look forward to seeing you again next year. I hope we made you feel as welcome as possible. As I've said 1 billion times before, a big part of the show was meeting all these great people (Jay, Shelly, Bear, Henry, Mark, Markgugs, John R., Adam and Ronnie, Dave, all of the people and their better halves in Magistral, Shane and Shane's wife, the rest of the gang from Houston, and everyone else I just went up to and started talking to...). I will never forget dinner with Angra as well as my long conversation with the guys from Threshold...

Take care and keep us updated on all of the great bands you will see in Japan!!

Sheri :Shedevil:
Exactly Junnie! How cool is it that you & Kyoko flew halfway 'round the world, met people you'd only spoken to via computer or email, and now have more friends than you did last week? What a superb setting and superb weekend for all of us! And I agree with Bear, the dinner with Angra is something I will cherish for the rest of my days...

Stay metal you crazy Japanese kids! \m/
It was so nice to meet you. What are the chances of standing next to you during the show both nights. We pick good spots, thats for sure. And here I am listening to Manigance again. Hahah.

It was relaly cool getting to finally meet you in person!!! Me and Sheri thought it was awsome that you and Kyoko flew all the way from Japan to attend the festival!

I certainly hope you attend the next one, and I think I speak for everyone here... it wouldn't be the same if there was no Junnie From The East at ProgPower!!!!

I hope we all get to meet again.... and I'm glad everyone had a good time having dinner with the guys in Angra and chipping in for there meals, you ALL are awsome!!!... that was just being at the right place at the time (telling Kiko and Edu we were going to eat in an hour and them telling me they were STARVING!)

I thought it would be tough to top last year as far as good memories... but this year takes the cake! it was THIS festival that will be hard to top next year for sure!

untill then.....

Originally posted by markgugs
Dustin, I'm taking full credit for coming up with the idea that we should pay for Angra! Give it to me! It was the last good idea I had for the entire weekend! :D

That's right!!!!
You rounded up that cash pretty damn fast! Your a good man! I think next year we should buy YOU dinner!

Bear, Sheri, Dustin, Mark and Mike,

it's already 22? urgggg my time has stopped on 14 and the image of the stairway at the entrance of Granada always comes up to my mind... those 3 days were like in Heaven!!!

Bear, i saw your photography at Zero Hour's site. that band was a great surprise for me, a friend of mine who is a metal writer/DJ here in Japan told me previously to my visit, that he was jealous about me seeing Zero Hour live! i had not heard any CDs from them yet at that time, so i didn't know why he was so jealous :D but now i know Zero Hour blew me away and i feel really sorry for anyone who missed this historical event.. they should have been there by all means!
so i hope Glenn can find the larger place for next PP, so that all my jealous, sad metal buddies can join next time!!! :)
and i will feel really really really happy when i can see you again!

when i got off the train at Art Center and tried to get to the hotel , we came out of the opposite exit for some reason. a man adviced us to get on the shuttle, on which we met another metalheads from Norway. (one of them was shooting the video for Rafa during the Angra show) everybody there could make friends easily, and that's the most wonderful point for me about this festival.

we got off the shuttle at *another* earthlink something :lol: and we had to walk along a couple of blocks (silly it was, as i found out how close to the station Granada was later!) after 14 hours flight, this extra walk made us even more tired.


i found so friendly people at the door, of Granada. they were Mark, and rhavin2112(was your name Adam? sorry my hearing ability sux! you and your wife were so great!). and it was the start of my heaven..

oops my lunch time is going to be finished soon, so i need to go now.. but i'll post more again later this evening :)

hey iluvicedearth, good luck with your rockstar dream, but i wouldn't have enjoyed chatting with Angra and Edguy that much if they have acted like a rockstar! :lol:

yeah there were parties here and there at the hotel! everybody enjoyed staying up late!!!

keep on partying (in your heart) until next time!!!


(oops Mike, i'll send you a pics, whose pic do you want? Hansi?)
Junnie, that would be great. Maybe if you have one with all the guys in the same photo? Thanks alot. And if you could not mention that other thing that I emailed you for now, just incase it falls through?? THx
yeah there were parties at the hotel..put it to you this way, some bands got REAL LUCKY THAT NIGHT with the ladies...and it is because they were rockstars..ahh the life I tell ya lol..
okay Mike, i got your email! i'll send you some.. hope you'll like it!! :)

hey P-yan, it's nice to see you here!! the festival was incredible!!! but there are so kichigai like shita no yatsu so i have to tatakau such baka now heheh!! ;)

please post the pics! i want to see!! :) and nice meeting you as well!

i don't know why you are posting about it here but it's good if there was such a lucky one! good luck in your future too! :D
Hi Junnie! Hi people!

So it really was one hell of a festival, huh?
EEEEEE, why I didn't go!!!! I will hate myself for that:mad:

Anyway, as I read these threads, I found out that what made this fest great were not only the bands' play but also the people who attend there and work for's so nice.:)

Wish I can join all of you next year!:headbang:

*hope I'm making sense to you all... I'm sleepy and my head doesn't work properly...hehe* Good night!