Thanks but not farewell

I want to thank everyone who has supported PofO all these years, they have definately been amazing!!
Thank you for being open to different musical ideas and experiences.
I wish the best to the guys and though I part, it is not goodbye from music.
Keep an eye out for me, I promise to be back and soon!!

yours ,

Alex Arellano :)
Best of luck to you Alex... it's too bad we couldn't make things work out.
I'm sure you'll go on and make us proud of you.

...but if you settle for a style less extreme than Power of Omens... I'll kick your ass!!! :lol: ...j/k man!!! ;)

Despite our past differences (and some pretty intense...LOL) We always seem to hurt the ones we love the most... I only wish the best for you, and hope that in the end, you're as happy as you deserve to be.

Best of Luck to you my brother...
Though I hate to see you and Chris leave this band, I hope you will find what you are looking for. Dave says he will kick your ass if you join any lesser of a band than PofO. Well I will not do that, but I may call you and give you a verble slashing!:Spin: That is if you still have the same number from three years or so ago. hehehe

Good luck to you and Chris as well.
Hey Alex,

I hate to see the split happen, but wish all you guys the very best. Like Dave mentioned, I hope you keep it extreme. I indeed expect to hear more music from all of you guys.
