THAT band in your collection

I was a completist for so many bands back in the day,which explains my 9000 Cd collection(most of which I never bring out). My biggest would be Fates Warning,with cassette singles and the promo for "Thru different Eyes",the multi attempts to cash in with different covers of Night on Brocken",various bootlegs from Pittsburgh,Allentown,New York City,Detroit and Cleveland,the re-issues,the double cd re-releases of the early stuff from England...phewww it goes on and on!
Pretty Maids

Running Wild


I don't do singles so much but those are the 3 bands that get me every time.
So yesterday I bought the 2008 Slave To The Dark version of Burnt Offerings. This is the third time I've bought that album. Well second. My friend gave me his original version because he didn't like it too much then when another friend sold me his Dark Genesis box for twenty bucks I got the remastered version in that grab bag too. BUT the reason I bought this bad boy is because it comes with a bonus disc of the album in a rough mix version. Some of you might remember how the promo versions for Burnt Offerings that were sent out to magazines and stuff was this rough version. The drums are alot louder and meaner. The vocal overdubs arent as smooth and I actually prefer this mix over the final one and the remastered one!

This got me to thinking about how no ones buying cds anymore, yet for those that do, so much more is available now. Everything is being released that used to be hard to find. I think I can get used to this.
This is the third time I've bought that album.

This is a chronic problem for me...kinda. Some eBay sellers aren't dumb. When they make a huge lot with a bunch of popular easy-to-sell stuff, then add a mega rare item, I'm suckered in everytime. Thus assuring a higher closing price and after 4 or 5 auctions I'm left with handful of identical copies of singles and mini-discs. :Smug:
I can't tell you how many copies of YES-Close To The Edge, Fragile, Going For The One,Yesterdays, Relayer and Tales of Topographical oceans I have bought... I play them into the ground then a newer nicer less f'd up version comes out and I have to have it....

Same with a lot of the older bands I listen too... Genesis - Trick of The Tail? I must have bought that 4 times...