The crust thread


Active Member
Nov 24, 2005
I guess it could be argued that it's not really metal, but I think it has strong enough ties to metal to have its own thread. Anyways, what bands do you enjoy?

My favorites are Nausea, Amebix, Aus Rotten, Doom, Wolfpack, and Discharge.
I like the sound... but every band playing it straight up just kinda sounds the same alot of the time.

Favorite band is Dystopia and that is probably because of their ties with sludge. Trap Them is great too, but again, they lean towards death metal and grindcore.
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I've heard the name Dystopia mentioned before, looked them up and I liked the music, but I wasn't a fan of the vocals.

I also forgot to mention Axegrinder, Rise of the Serpent Man is an excellent album, and any fan of Amebix should listen to it.
I love me some crust. Dont really care what other people consider 'em, but Crust and most D-beat have always been metal enough for my ears.

My two favorite bands are Wolfbrigade and Nuclear Death Terror.

other bands i really like are Guided Cradle, Severed Head of State, Victims, Martyrdöd , Skitsytem, Pisschrist and AFter the Bombs.
I love me some crust. Dont really care what other people consider 'em, but Crust and most D-beat have always been metal enough for my ears.

My two favorite bands are Wolfbrigade and Nuclear Death Terror.

other bands i really like are Guided Cradle, Severed Head of State, Victims, Martyrdöd , Skitsytem, Pisschrist and AFter the Bombs.

Years ago, I used to hate crust because I was too cool to deviate from anything that wasnt kvlt tr00 metal bro. Fuck that shit, I was a fucking idiot.

I need to check out some of these bands like Guided Cradle, Victims, and After The Bombs. Those Nuclear Death Terror Tracks were sick too btw, especially the full LP track. Gotta get my hands on a copy for sure.

New surprise, never heard of these guys before. Even though this isnt crust ~per se~, its punk as fuck and worth mentioning.
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Kevin Bacon's son is a crusty!
I gotta admit I'm not entirely sure what crust is, just that the word keeps popping up for bands like Trap Them and All Pigs Must Die.
Crust is a hybrid of hardcore punk with a dash of metal; similar to grindcore. The vocals tend to be a bit more harsh than typical hardcore/punk and the lyrics also tend to be along the anarcho/political lines.

Trap Them have a crust influence to them, but they are more grindcore than anything.

Here are some examples to further explain:

Classic crust:

More recent crust:

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Crust is a hybrid of hardcore punk with a dash of metal; similar to grindcore. The vocals tend to be a bit more harsh than typical hardcore/punk and the lyrics also tend to be along the anarcho/political lines.

Trap Them have a crust influence to them, but they are more grindcore than anything.

Would this be considered crust?

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Its not crust, but Converge definitely have a lot of punk and hardcore influence that can be mistaken as crust.

Off their album Still The Kings. Sexcellent.
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Tragedy and Martydod! Both were already mentioned but I felt it necessary to throw them out there again since these bands are awesome.

Anyone like Dishammer? They kind of have this black metal meets crust meets d-beat meets thrash metal feel. Very cool band.