The fairer sex and their sweet eccentricities


Suck my joined date.
Nov 21, 2007
This can be a thread for whining about women but not just in terms of their mean selection methods in terms of finding a pene.

All of those meanhearted unsnugglefull womons. To a woman, everything is stupid because it isn't an attempt to get with them. The world revolves around their prime orifice and its cycles and reproductive role. If you are reading some philosophy or listening to a good album, you're being stupid because you could be doing some attempt at being an "alpha" bro that might result in your pene entering her woo woo slot.
I hate how they take fucking forever to leave the restaurant I work at.

One night there was a group of four who were there for at least three hours, and then thirty minutes after everyone else was gone, which was about an hour after the kitchen closed, they finally decided to get up and leave.

One of them walked out the door, and I assumed the others would follow, but then one uttered an incantation that glued them to their standing positions for at least another thirty minutes:

"Have you lost weight?"

I went from table to table, rearranging silverware, neatening placements of glasses, napkins and plates, and throughout the whole thing I was astounded at how these women could not only keep a conversation going about how one of them lost weight, but could be entertained by it.

If I were a less polite man, I would have said "fun fact: conversations can happen outside of restaurants."
All of those meanhearted unsnugglefull womons. To a woman, everything is stupid because it isn't an attempt to get with them. The world revolves around their prime orifice and it's cycles and reproductive role. If you are reading some philosophy or listening to a good album, you're being stupid because you could be doing some attempt at being an "alpha" bro that might result in your pene entering her woo woo slot.

Did a PUA bind you to a chair and make you listen to their rhetoric for days straight?
Hmm, I've always wondered why this forum has so much misoginy in it...

You seem quite bitter and pitiful.

If that's aimed at me, no one likes working for thirteen hours straight only to have to wait for people to leave before they can do their closing sidework and then leave. I've only been at the job about a month, but every single time this kind of thing happened, it was women.

The parts of brains responsible for speech are more developed in human females, which is why they talk more about things that men find dull and inconsequential.
What if many of them just aren't taught to control their emotions/ego at a young age? Anecdotally speaking, attractive girls tend to get a distorted picture of how much people are really interested in their sundry opinions (from males at least). I know girls who don't put up with it, and actively intervene in conversations to keep it from happening, but they seem to be a minority.
The trick is to avoid highly attractive women. They can afford to be picky and particular, and if you get with one, she knows full well you are expendable and she can let you go and find someone else lickity split. With someone less attractive, if they let you go, they run a huge risk (unless they're really slutty in which case plague take them).
I've found that attractive women will either be like what you described, or they'll cling to whoever can convince them that they like them as a person because they think by default that people only like them for how they look.

zabu of nΩd;10443998 said:
What if many of them just aren't taught to control their emotions/ego at a young age? Anecdotally speaking, attractive girls tend to get a distorted picture of how much people are really interested in their sundry opinions (from males at least). I know girls who don't put up with it, and actively intervene in conversations to keep it from happening, but they seem to be a minority.

I think that's a pretty universal human phenomenon. We don't really try to be interesting with people we know are already interested. I think it manifests itself a lot in attractive women for the reason you said, they think people are automatically interested and therefore do not learn to put forth the effort to be interesting.
I actually think I'm pretty boss at it. They love the dick, they usually listen to what I tell them, and I'm usually able to hold a relationship for a good chunk of time despite the fact that I'm a mess. And as far as understanding them goes, usually their specifically female needs, wants, and emotions are pretty easy to read if you're not a toolbox.
@vimana they were never asked to leave? That's just not put up with here. First would be a polite warning, number two would be gtfo, probably from the manager himself.
The trick is to avoid highly attractive women. They can afford to be picky and particular, and if you get with one, she knows full well you are expendable and she can let you go and find someone else lickity split. With someone less attractive, if they let you go, they run a huge risk (unless they're really slutty in which case plague take them).

this is probably what I hate most about women.
The trick is to avoid highly attractive women. They can afford to be picky and particular, and if you get with one, she knows full well you are expendable and she can let you go and find someone else lickity split. With someone less attractive, if they let you go, they run a huge risk (unless they're really slutty in which case plague take them).

Jesus H. Christ this is the saddest thing I have ever read LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!
Well it's true. Many an emotionally sensitive man (such as myself) have been burned by women such as this.

Even my girl who I've been with for some time now carries an atmosphere of "whatever I have so many other options than you". She always comes back when we fight because we love each other but love has nothing to do with sex and she can get any guy she wants to spite me. She's hot.

and like zeph said, even less attractive chicks can still be whores and run this game.

pure evil.
I mean, I could come back with a rebuttal that men are genetically programmed to look for younger saucier partners with a greater hip to waist ratio forever, so there is immense pressure to look 18 for my entire life, but I'm not gonna be butthurt about it - I don't think the "FINE I'LL GO WITH ONE OF MY MANY OTHER OPTIONS" thing comes up unless the stability of the relationship is threatened or a dude says something mildly hurtful/flirts heavily with other chicks. It's just a back-of-the-mind defense mechanism unless you're a dick...
Well I'll admit it's kind of pussyish, despite being true. I'm confident in my relationship and with women in general so I don't really worry about it per se, but let it be noted that it's a sinister tactic. And the imminent threat is always there. I've just seen so many women use it as a get out of jail free card. My being a man and wanting you to be young and sexy isn't comparable to that emotional blackmail
