The Heartwork sound


Hi Tech / Low Life
Apr 1, 2004
Twisted in black armor
Heya ladies and gentlemen.

I've always been a big Carcass fan, Heartwork being my favorite. Recently I picked up the guitar again and started fiddling around with death metal sounds, tuning down to D, strings as fat as satan's dick, etc...but I've been digging Heartwork for so long that it's just THE SOUND for me really. I can live with failing at innovation.

Does anyone have any idea how to get the fat, messy, thick sound of the rythm guitars? I've read that Bill Steer used this combination of amps which have been out of production for centuries and would prove fairly difficult to obtain, but I was looking for an easier way (with the aid of modern technology) to pull off that ground-shattering guitar sound :kickass:

I accept any suggestions, from the type of guitar through amps and pedals or any weird trinkets/setups that exist nowadays.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that wants to get near that legendary rockin' sound.

Thanx in advance.
Try searching on the Andy Sneap forum, it's been discussed several times there. If I remember correctly, the amps always mentioned are a boosted 5150, boosted Marshall JCM 800, and a little Marshall combo amp. Don't quote me on that, I may be wrong. I can tell you that a 5150 can get you pretty close to the Heartwork sound, but I doubt you'll ever be able to recreate it. Here's a link to a topic on the Sneap forum: :kickass:

Found some more info here:
Scroll down a ways and you'll see an interview with Bill Steer, they talk about the Heartwork tone.