Carcass- Heartwork

Flaming Death

It must have been strange
Jul 23, 2002
Carcass- Heartwork

“Heartwork”. When I hear that name I think of one of the best metal albums ever. This was one of the first death metal albums I ever heard, and let me say I am glad I picked this one because it is supreme. It was recorded in 1993 and was released sometime in 1994 on Earache records. A music video was also made for the song “No Love Lost”. I will begin with the vocals that are performed by Jeff Walker who also is the bassist. This can really growl and shred his vocals to pieces; he is one of my favorite vocalists of all times. It is not really deep or high pitched, its just perfect. Next, the guitar works is amazing as well. Michael Amott and Bill Steer both play lead on this album and let me say the solos and melodies on this album are unbelievable. Michael Amott is synonymous with great guitar work. The drums performed by Ken Owen are awesome as well; they have these great groove double bass beats. No really fast drums on this album just great beats and rhythms. The lyrics on this album are really cool too “Twisted and Warped, Tangled Mortal Coil”. This album consists of 10 great, great, great songs and is nothing like their first few albums and takes what they were doing on Necroticism ever further. I give this album a strong 10/10.

In my opinion, this album is very melodic and helped start up the Melodic Death Metal scene along with Eucharist, At The Gates, Dark Tranquillity etc. this album is pure punishing Death Metal. Check out the songs “This Mortal Coil”, “Heartwork”, and “Embodiment”

One small note, I read at the carcass forum at that Jeff Walker worked in a band now and had given up on music. I found this very sad. Oh well.


Track Listing

Buried Dreams
Carnal Forge
No love Lost
This Mortal Coil
Arbeit Macht Fleisch
Blind Bleeding The Blind
Doctrinal Expletives
Death Certificate
This Is your life
My favorite Carcass CD, just edging out the also brilliant Necrotocism-Descanting the Insalubrious. Some would say their first 2 albums are their best, but I'd say those people are from another planet. Albums 3/4 by Carcass have stood the test of time and will always be considered true classics of the death metal scene.