The Muthafucking Album Of The Year, Of Muthafucking 2004...

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
Just got the new Ayreon "The Human Equation" double cd in the mail today.... :OMG: :OMG:


I'm listening on headphones and I cannot tell you in words how good James Labrie and Devin Townsend sound together...I can't wait to make it through this entire album, this is incredible.....


Did I say this was amazing?????? :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
"mutha" is ebonics. don't ever use that word again.

but on a serious note, that album does indeed rule. Its a treat to listen to.

what did you think of the "surprise" ending? ;)
My favorites are Hope, Memories, Trauma, Pride, Accident and Realization. This is going to be another classic Ayreon album. Don't know if it's up there with Into Eternity or Orphaned Land yet though.
Could somebody describe the band in question? PJ was right about Akercocke's greatness, but it took me several months to realize it fully (although I still wouldn't put it at #1).
Demonspell said:
Did you mean to say drool instead of drivel? That word just sounds odd in a thread proclaiming a new album of the year...
Ha, that's some funny shit.

On a thread-related note, I find Ayreon to actually be quite the mass of DRIVEL. I'd be shocked to find they've actually become interesting.
I think it's prog or something. Anyway, it can't be that good if James Labrie is on it, unless he finally got a pair of balls and no longer sounds like a woman.
The Ayreon is quite cool. I'm not a huge fan of Prog Rock, but the man has a great feel for how to manage the vocalists he uses.

The only redeeming thing about Akercocke is their CD covers. Their actual music blows.

I have heard the album in question, and it is on the level of the previous Ayreon albums musically and in terms of ambition, and thankfully the concept has nothing to do with outer space (though Arjen can't resist throwing in some campy moments), which makes it sound like a more mature Electric Castle. Devon Graves, Mikael Akerfeldt, and Eric Clayton also turn in good vocal performances.
Demonspell said:
Did you mean to say drool instead of drivel? That word just sounds odd in a thread proclaiming a new album of the year...

No, I meant drivel, as in I was beginning to ramble on and on= fanboy drivel. Nothing like the drivel that just seems to pour out of markgugs fingertips through his keyboard. :Spin:

Back on topic, the album is quite amazing, but I think upon first listen, it should be taken in on headphones. LOUD. To really appreciate the amazing production...

Their first album was a pile of turd, in my opinion, their second one was ok, but this one is simply way beyond those, more ambitious in vision and scope.

And like Zod said, the man really knows how to work the vocalists.
Yeah, it's easily his best work to date; a lot more diverse than his earlier stuff. It's my top pick of 2004 so far, above both Orphaned Land (which I'm finally listening to) and Into Eternity (and Spastic Ink, which is one of my very favorite bands). I enjoy the Universal Migrator set to some degree, but I never got into the older stuff (too boring for me). So, take that into account with my opinion.

I thought the "surprise" ending was lame and plan to remove it digitally on my mp3s when I get the disc. I'll also make a CDR without it. Stupid stupid stupid.
Ayreon = Broadway Metal

He certainly seems to get some of the best vocalists in the business. I didn't like Star One too much - will I like this one?
possibly; it sounds nothing like Star One to me. It's more like his older prog rock stuff, but with some crunchy guitars at times and the occassional growl or shriek. It really is his most adventurous stuff, IMO. I thought Star One was a step down from Universal Migrator and I think this is a HUGE step up.
Black Winter Day said:
speaking of akercocke... if i had to pick my top 10 of 2003 again, chronozon would be a challenger for #1. seriously, sometime in january i listened to it in my car and it hit me like a ton of bricks.
Yeah, I guess it was a bit weird how you picked Aborym without ever having mentioned anything about them. :lol:
Akercocke would also be in my top 10. I just didn't have it long enough to determine that.

Now, let's shut up about this or Papa Josh will go on a "I told you so" rant.