The new deal with Jackson.....


New Metal Member
Apr 11, 2011
Chris congrats on the new deal with Jackson! Just wondering what is going to happen to all those Ibanez guitars? If they are just going to end up in storage, I would be happy to buy them!
The white 7 has always been a favorite of mine as well...speaking of which, looks like Chris unveiled a couple of the new finishes for his upcoming Jackson Signature soloist at last night's Big 4. A trans-white and trans-red ( this looked really hot! ). I'm sure the 7 version of these will be even sweeter!!!

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That trans white is absolutely gorgeous. Even better looking than the LACS models. The trans red looks amazing as well, looks like the guitar was dipped in blood. Bet they sound just as good as they look.

Do want.
The jacks on his new Jacksons are really cool and functional, it looks like; they seem to be the same ones found on Ibanez's JS and JEM series guitars. Out of your way, yet secure. Good aesthetic choice on Chris' part.
Darin or anybody know if the Broderick sig model is only gonna be a USA custom shop? or are they going to offer jap production models too?
Kinda curious about this myself Pete. I know there was speculation at one time that there maybe a Japanese version, but have not heard anything lately. I would guess, at least to begin with the USA customs will be the focus ( especially as I had read where they needed to get Chris' specific trem Specs manufactured, custom dimarzios, etc. ) - maybe there even still finalizing things. I seen where the online stores are offering 4 colors as pre-orders but the official Jackson site does not list the trans-white. Like to know more myself...hopefully we'll hear more soon!
New Chris Jackson Signature ad in the July 2011 Guitar World, page 67. Shout out to Steph for the photo credit as well!!
Hey Everyone,

Thanks for the interest in my guitars. They are in the production phase of the 6 strings so those should be out soon, as for the 7 we are working out the details of the Floyd low pro bridge (this will be the only 7 to have it) and it should be going into production runs any time now. For the record it will not have a barrel jack (I never liked them), it will have a Fender style jack plate on the side of the guitar that you can reverse if you like. Here is a list of specs on the guitar, I hope you guys like it.

Available to the public in a 7 and 6 string version exactly like the ones I play. I wanted this because first and foremost I primarily play and feel at home on the 7 string but play my 6 strings on stage with Megadeth.

Available at various price points. This makes a lot of sense because, some people might not need the extra features found on the USA custom but want some of the other features available, and this makes it possible.

A 12" radius neck. I have played with necks varying from perfectly flat (like my first classical guitar) to 10” radius' (Fender Strat) and feel that a 12” radius is the most ergonomic, not only for the left hand but for picking as well (the strings feel like they have a little more separation).

Stainless steel frets. These are perfect for two handed tapping and other techniques as they don't wear out and actually add a little sustain to the guitar.

Tall narrow frets. This allows for all the benefits of jumbo frets but also allows you to get your fingers in those tight areas above the 15th fret.

Quilt Maple binding. I am always a fan of natural woods and to use quilt maple as fretboard binding sets this guitar appart.

Ebony fret board. Being one of the most dense woods you can get for the fret board this adds sustain and punch to the guitar also you don't have to use dye (like on rosewood) to get that black color.

Neck thru. I was not initially a fan of the neck thru however when Jackson sent me one of their Japanese Pro models to check out I was sold, the increase in sustain was all I needed to hear to convince me I wanted it on my guitars.

Reversed Jackson headstock with quilt top. I had always liked this headstock by Jackson and was a fan of reversed headstocks so this combination was the perfect combination, also it solved the problem with 6 or 7 in line reversed headstocks where the strings would ring out on the headstock side when playing.

Planet Waves auto trim locking tuners. These are my favorite tuners they are smooth, accurate, solid and trim the string for you (even 70 guage strings!!!).

Custom Dimarzio pickups (the Fundamental) that I designed after pickups that are great but with some eq tweeking to get more of the fundamental note to pop out. I'm excited to see what people think of these.

Custom placed 3 way switch, volume with pull single coil split, tone with pull tone knob engage, and Kill switch. I spent a lot of time on the placement of the controls to make sure you could palm mute the high E and still have easy access to it to them. The combination of the pull knobs add tonal options while keeping things clean and functional.

Quilt Maple top, Mahogany back. In my mind there is no better looking and tonal combination then the blend of these two woods, and with the colors solid black with natural binding, transparent black with natural binding, blood red with transparent black binding, and transparent white with transparent black binding these guitars should suit a lot of different tastes.

Custom body shape with upper and lower horn cut away. When I designed this I had two main concepts in mind, One is that the guitar would be very ergonomic and balanced, and Two that it would look like it were in motion. Both points were achieved with the asymmetrical body design and because of that the guitar seems to become an extension of myself when I am playing




Take care, Chris.
Chris, thank you for the update! this is bloody awesome! I will test a 7 string version asap!!!! can't wait, man!
BUT: one more question: can you tell us something about the neck dimensions and shape, as well? this is a crucial part for me!!!!

btw. I wanted to share this one with you and the other guys here:
taken at the Musikmesse Frankfurt 2011!

all the best!
From what Chris is saying ..there will be other models besides the USA custom version..So it will be a little more affordable..I hope they do a jap version of the 7 string,that would rule!
Woohoo, Chris hates barrel jacks just like me!! Cheers to you man :kickass:

I flat out love this guitar, dude. As I mentioned in another thread a while back, you and I have incredibly similar tastes in guitars and what we want out of them. I've been saving for my USA Custom for a while now, but I'll entertain any lower price points once I learn more about them. A Jap 7 string w/ original Floyd and pickups would definately rule. And I could probably get two of them with the money I'm saving up already! :D
Chris, thank you for the update! this is bloody awesome! I will test a 7 string version asap!!!! can't wait, man!
BUT: one more question: can you tell us something about the neck dimensions and shape, as well? this is a crucial part for me!!!!

btw. I wanted to share this one with you and the other guys here:
taken at the Musikmesse Frankfurt 2011!

all the best!

Hey Kohlrabihaus,

It was good meeting you at the Messa. As for the neck it a c shape thin profile and the 7's were slimmed down just a hair more so that when I go back and fourth between 6 and 7's I don't notice that much of a difference. I was going for a neck profile that you don't notice when playing, the transition from edge to edge anywhere on the fret board is seamless.

Later, Chris.
The guitar looks absolutely gorgeous and I bet it plays even better; that's a true guitar player's dream right there. You completely deserve this, Chris. Bar none.

Not to shift off-topic again, but Zoso's second question still wasn't answered; what's going to happen to Chris' Ibanez guitars? Are they going off to storage, or being sold and sending the proceeds somewhere, or just disappearing off the face of the planet?