The News Thread


There is no left in the US with regards to political institutions. Fuck off you goon.

Yeah, the Toluene burgers he's eating are strong, I guess.

How many people in US can be THAT ignorant about politics in general? The democrat party is by all means a moderate center/right political block. No place in the world, but the US see them as "left".

Republicans, on the other hand, are absolutely right winged. In many countries they would be considered "extreme" right wing and now with this insurrection, even Americans are seeing them as such, as they rightfully deserve.

If the US had real left (and by real left I mean moderate left, not communism), you might have solved some issues like general healthcare, education's costs and opportunities, decent treatment of veterans and retirees/pensioners, among many other things.
You actually think the modern Democratic Party is centre-right?
Sure. They have basically zero real actions that are part of the general left ideology; democrat and republican governments aren't that different in the facts:

Both keep the economic and political systems virtually intact, the "war on terrorism" is the same, both have lead cruel invasions and have slaughtered countless of countries and civilians, both do absolutely nothing to improve the average and especially most needed people's life standards, both do nothing for vets and retirees, both support Israel and give them trillions of dollars per year, both have failed controlling crime and drug trafficking using similar tactics and so on.

The difference between them are just in the speeches and personal points of view of their members, nothing that actually matters for makes some real difference.
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Thing is US is a federal country. Some issues can be solved locally, like gay marriage, which, as much as it might change the lives of a lot of people, is proportionally irrelevant to the stuff I mentioned.

The differences are almost aesthetical. Nothing fundamental and huge that needs to be changed and improved has been improved by neither party. That shit will have to change and Biden has the chance to do it, to put some real care on the citizens.
Thing is US is a federal country. Some issues can be solved locally, like gay marriage, which, as much as it might change the lives of a lot of people, is proportionally irrelevant to the stuff I mentioned.

The differences are almost aesthetical. Nothing fundamental and huge that needs to be changed and improved has been improved by neither party. That shit will have to change and Biden has the chance to do it, to put some real care on the citizens.

Problem is a lot of left-wingers think both parties are basically the same unless one of them enacts revolutionary changes that happen overnight. The Democratic Party is dragging the US leftward at rates of progression that are pragmatic and attainable. This chafes the tits of lefties but too bad, it works unlike [insert retarded alternative parties here].
The modern Democratic Party is to the left of Karl Marx (who closed the American chapter of the International due to excessive idpol).
Yeah this narrative that cops went easy on the rioters is hilariously dumb.

A cop that was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher was pulled off life support. This is definitely just the beginning, and all the retards who live streamed themselves inside the place gave cops a shitload of evidence to pour through. Hope they grab them all.

Edit: Inaccurate, he didn't die.
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Trump's announced that he will fully support conviction of the rioters and now the "unconditional support" of Fuentes & co is breaking down. :lol:

From what I've seen of specifics so far, those involved in the riot tended to have history of agitation or even outright criminal priors, including the dead woman who, now not unsurprisingly, has a conviction history of breaking & entering. I don't think there's anything to gain from pardons at this point aside from more shitty Jon Schaffer riffs. But congrats on Trump for emboldening America's white trash scum to the level of our Jewish and black scum, this will surely reduce the racial crime and arrest gap, albeit not in the direction most expect.
The modern Democratic Party is to the left of Karl Marx (who closed the American chapter of the International due to excessive idpol).

The American chapter isn’t/wasn’t the Democratic Party. You’re absolutely wrong that the modern Democratic Party is “left of Marx.”

The feds have shut down hotels in and flights out of DC. The arrests have only begun.

Good. They should have begun yesterday.

Yeah this narrative that cops went easy on the rioters is hilariously dumb.

A cop that was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher was pulled off life support. This is definitely just the beginning, and all the retards who live streamed themselves inside the place gave cops a shitload of evidence to pour through. Hope they grab them all.

Some cops did go easy on them. The feds won’t though.
Some cops did go easy on them. The feds won’t though.

Most cops went easy on most protesters and rioters during most of the Floyd protests. I think these events should be judged by the height of the violence, not the lowest ebb. There was a cop who was dragged into a crowd and beaten by a mob, there's video footage of rioters trying to tear down barricades and a cop is swinging wildly at them with his fists, the narrative that cops went easy on the rioters doesn't stand the test beyond it being a nice social media headline. It's not true, watch the footage.
The American chapter isn’t/wasn’t the Democratic Party. You’re absolutely wrong that the modern Democratic Party is “left of Marx.”

Good. They should have begun yesterday.

Some cops did go easy on them. The feds won’t though.

The DNC is more authoritarian and collectivist than many communist states in history.

They did begin yesterday.

Cops always go easy when there's real danger. Easier to just bend over and take it, or to cut and run.