The Official 2007 Recommendations List


Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
At the end of 2006, we started posting our favorite albums of the year. My favorite album of 2006 is still Motorhead's Kiss of Death, but reading everyone else's favorite got me listening to stuff I hadn't heard before to even consider adding to my list.

So for 2007, I want to be proactive. If you hear something cool that comes out this year that you'd recommend to others, tell us about it. I know it's too early to necessarily to know what your favorite album of the year is going to be, but if something cool comes out in February, I don't want to be hearing it for the first time in December on someone's "Best of 2007 list".

That said, I'll throw out a couple recommendations to start:

Destruction "Thrash Anthems" - Along the lines of TGOTE and First Strike Still Deadly, this is a new take on old songs. And I have to say I'm appreciating bands that do this instead of just releasing a "greatest hits" package. I was never really into Destruction, but today's production values really improve some of these old songs, and they include a couple new tunes, to boot. Definately worth checking out if you want to bang your head to some old-school thrash re-done.

Clutch "From Beale Street to Oblivion" - Okay, technically it's not until March, but thanks to MyHatred for helping me get my hands on an early version of it (it's pretty widely available through most torrent sites now). A good collection of stoner rock that won't throw out any surprises for fans of the past few albums. The first few tracks stand out especially. It probably won't be my top album of 2007 given some of the potential other albums being released this year, but right now its getting a lot of play in my CD player.

So bring it on...let's hear your reviews and recommendations, too!
Try The Butterfly Effects Imago ... its more softer hard rock but brilliantly written music. There first album Begins Here is also very very good. A lot heavier.

For something different try the Mars Volta - right out there progressive rock.
Try The Butterfly Effects Imago ... its more softer hard rock but brilliantly written music. There first album Begins Here is also very very good. A lot heavier.

:headbang: Saw them at BDO - very awesome. Bought their T. :headbang:
I'm definitely digging the new Clutch album. My favorite songs off of that cd are...Black Umbrella, Mr. Shiny Cadillackness, Power Player, Rapture of Riddley Walker and The Devil & Me. The cd has a pretty decent mix of everything that makes Clutch a kickass band and as far as I am concerned, it blows Robot Hive/Exodus out of the water and will definitely make it in my "best of 2007" list.

I also got some things that were released in 2006 but just got to them now. One of them being "Stanton Moore: III". He is the drummer from Corrosion of Conformity's ITAOG. The cd isn't anything like that though, it is more of a mix of jazz and funk. Pretty solid cd all around and it also has some guest appearances by Sherik on brass. You may know him from his work with Layne Staley's "Mad Season". This album is definitely not metal but if you are looking for something a little more chill, then this is a solid album and worth checking out.

I also just recently purchased T.V. Eye Issue #4 on dvd(another 2006 release). It is a pretty decent dvd that has a lot of "in-studio" footage of how the Melvins just made their new release (A) Senile Animal. Pretty killer stuff but I am a huge Melvins fanboy so chances are that I would like anything Melvins related anyways.

I also got a Faith No More dvd set from some trades I made recently. Now this is unreleased stuff and you can buy it for blood money on ebay but I got it for the low low price of $1.17(cost of shipping my burnt dvd trades to the other guy). It is a 4 hour documentary of inside the studio of the making of Faith No More's "Angel Dust". It is a really interesting documentary and seeing a 45 minute interview with Mike Patton alone makes it worth tracking down. Ok, I am getting off the "2007 recommendations" topic. If you can find the documentary then get it because it is cool as shit. I really haven't bought a whole lot of stuff this year mostly because I haven't had a chance. I'm not sure when the Crowbar dvd comes out but when it does, I will be buying that too.
Mors Principium Est - Liberation = Termination

One of, if not the best melodic death band at the moment. Check out the song Sinner's Defeat on their Myspace page.
I also got some things that were released in 2006 but just got to them now. One of them being "Stanton Moore: III". He is the drummer from Corrosion of Conformity's ITAOG. The cd isn't anything like that though, it is more of a mix of jazz and funk. Pretty solid cd all around and it also has some guest appearances by Sherik on brass. You may know him from his work with Layne Staley's "Mad Season". This album is definitely not metal but if you are looking for something a little more chill, then this is a solid album and worth checking out.

If you're into the jazz/funk fusion stuff, you should check out Stanton's other band Galactic. I saw them open for BB King and they were "tight" and "sick" (as the kids say).
Yep, I have seen them before and they are very "tight" and "sick":p . I think Stanton's solo stuff showcases his talent a little better though. His work on Galactic seems more restrained and studio polished to me. Good stuff for sure...I just kinda prefer his solo stuff more.