the punk sound


Jan 7, 2008
Algiers, Algeria
i will record a punk band but i don't have any idea about the gear used in this genre
can you recommend me some pickups, guitars, amps, speakers ,strings, maybe some pedals like the boss hm-2 for swedish death metal sound, etc..
it's punk man, don't sweat it. use whatever!

but if you want to get technical, which will defeat the whole purpose of "punk" then try to go with strats with humbuckers and/or gibsons les pauls
amps, marshalls are good and some boss overdrive pedals to make more feedback.
when i do punk, i like to use single coils, but i try to go towards the lo-fi end of things when working with punk. also some big muff pedals work well, fuzz pedals do great things. and just about any devi ever pedal is gold with working with punk, grunge, noise, whatever. research some steve albini's stuff, check out some videos on youtube to see what the bands are using and how hes recording it. hes all analog but his techniques are what you should try to pick up on.

if you watch all the "nirf" videos, it gives you a general idea of what he does, just be observant.
also i believe he has a video where he talks about some of his recording techniques.

Typically, overdriven marshall style sounds, punchy clean bass with high end, rock drumz.
please let no HORNS touch that shit.

a lot of old punk stuff sounds sonically like shit and recorded in basments with broken sm57's, solid state amps are no prob for that stuff.



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Make it sound like a grindcore record, that's usually the vibe I get from powerviolence.


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