The Pursuit of Vikings video!

OMG ... you just did it ... Olli once tolld me that AA will never do a video, maybe live clips but no vid ... "We are musicans not actors"

You did it just like Metallica, you are out!

... the video fucking ROCKS!!! :hotjump:
Wow, this is the best music video I have ever seen! Being new to metal in general, I dont know where to find the videos. I was able to see it via Launch, and I will say that it made me want to cry with it's beauty.
Rikard Det Kaldt said:
Wow, this is the best music video I have ever seen! Being new to metal in general, I dont know where to find the videos. I was able to see it via Launch, and I will say that it made me want to cry with it's beauty.

your new to metal and you already listen to Burzum? lol that was fast :loco:
Celtik Militia said:
your new to metal and you already listen to Burzum? lol that was fast :loco:

Well, Ive been listening to metal for 3 years, so in terms I am new since most people have been listening to it alot longer than me.
yeah 3 years is enough to get into extreem metal and all :p, but i thought you were really very new to it all, cause you dont know about how to get videos, although for me, its mostly internet that made me discover good metal bands.
people if you wanna see it.... i saw it on if you have a good internet connection it'll go alright... but it's a small screen and not amazing quality... but hey it's still fucking great!!
I really liked the video, do they have any more videos except than this and Death in fire? and where can I get them?

@perfecterror: nice sig, good to see a templar around these parts.
I can't believe how excited you people are over this video. Sure, it was ok for a video of the band headbanging in an old shed, but it wasn't THAT good. One thing that often annoys me about metal videos is that the camera work is so flashy, with most shots lasting less than a second in duration. It's as if the director, who obviously isn't a fan of metal, thinks that because it sounds so heavy and fast the best way to show that on a screen is to keep the shots short, jerky and don't linger too long on any given scene or image.

I think this is a disappointing factor and something that is quite common. Having said that, it is a reasonably entertaining video, but aren't we all getting tired of the 'band headbang for a while' style?

For amazing viking metal videos, check out the band Tyr, especially the 'Regin Smidur' video.

Now that's a great video!

But yeah, the 'Pursuit of the Vikings' video is good, although it has very little to do with vikings, pursuit, or Odin... The headbanging in unison at the end is pretty cool too!