The Return Of Labyrinth

Prismatic Sphere

We Carouse
Jul 18, 2002
In A Bowl Of Chili
Finally. My favorite power metal band of all time has had a full reunion and have made the sequel to probably my favorite power metal album ever:
Return To Heaven Denied

This song, "A Chance" is a very positive indication for what we have in store.

Well there's certainly worse.

And certainly better.
Mostly agree. I didn't mind it at all, didn't think the track was *too* random, but I'll sample something from the rest of the album before I buy.
still powermetal though, something about it I just cant get past, its a combination of things I guess.
I'm no power metal nutball; but what I look for is musical strength. And if you're working with ideas that many bands utilize in a juvenile fashion and if you actually create something far above and beyond the basic genre template; then that is something very special and worth noting.

Btw, I would actually say that they have touches of prog in their power metal; just as SX has touches of power in their prog. They both are the superior quality in what they do.
Jeez.....:rolleyes: why the fuck has no one even mentioned this album yet??? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Return To Heaven Denied Pt. II is no slouch by any means. What we have here is a very melodic effort with exactly the same flavor as its magnificent predecessor. The album is very consistent(more so than Pt. I), featuring lots of really cool melodic passages and interludes. Some of it is actually proggier than the first album, especially the first track.

Rob Tyrant never sounded better and the production I would say is even crisper, cleaner, and clearer than the first RTHD.

The only thing the album lacks is a real standout track like "Falling Rain" or "Heaven Denied", but the more I listen to this record, the more I like it. I already have a few favorites; namely "Like Shadows In The Dark" and the title track. I actually like every song.

Labyrinth to me have just about every bit the melodic potential of Symphony X, which is rare. They just don't have the musical prowess or use the crazy time signatures that we all love so much. But that's perfectly okay. Labyrinth have continued to demonstrate why they are my favorite power metal band and I hope they continue on this stride.

RETURN TO HEAVEN DENIED - 5 Stars out of 5 Stars

RETURN TO HEAVEN DENIED PT. II - 4 Stars out of 5 Stars

In short, RTHD2 is NO Operation Mindcrime II and is more than a worthy follow up.