The ULTIMATE Mikael Akerfeldt quote...EVER...!!

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
"Opeth is obviously a 90s band, but with influences from between 1960-1996! I'd say we are the kings at what we do! No other band has, or will ever come close to what we create! Each and every one of our present and forthcoming volumes will enforce our reign! This is no boasting I tell you! This is my personal view! If anybody thinks I'm fucking bigheaded, well, simply fuck off! Prove me that I'm wrong!"

- Mikael Akerfeldt, to Isten, 1996.
Originally posted by Jim LotFP
I'd say we are the kings at what we do! No other band has, or will ever come close to what we create!
No other band has come close to doing what Opeth do. But to say nobody will is a bit rediculous, Opeth arent perfect. They're are so many areas of their music where people can improve on (eg more weird time signatures) and surely sometime in the future what Opeth is doing will be bettered. It is the way music works, first bands invent stuff... then it becomes the norm, then bands use it as the base of their knowledge and make it even better.
I'm actually very attracted to people who possess such a great deal of self-confidence. It would be different if he was an idiot and opeth sucked, but seriously, they are breaking new ground and they are truly the living gods of progressive metal.

hail mikael!

Well, whatever will be will be. What he's saying is true for the present. If there's someone with better ideas out there, they just haven't been heard yet. "No one ever will" is just being hopeful. Can't blame him for that. I do think Opeth is a leader in the sense of being first to do what they are. Their originality. No fear of being not liked/accepted by fans. Maybe that's the key ingredient.

A few quotes by Mike I haven't been able to forget: "Happy music has no spirit/soul." and "We do this for ourselves. Fuck the fans!" I see that hasn't changed. :) That's a good thing IMO. I fear the day he stops saying things like that...if you get my meaning.

"Lullaby of the crescent moon took you,
Mesmerized, its kaleidoscopic face.
Granted you a hollow stare,
Another soul within the divine herd."
you can't forget the last parto f the quote "prove me that i'm wrong." i think akerfeldt would actually like someone to challenge him with their music.

plus, usually good, original bands say things like this because they know they are origianl. they probably beleive it of course, but exaggerate it to pull attention to their music and what they are trying to do. like in that quote, between the self praise there is also esplaining of their wide musical knowledge/influences and a goal to improve with every album.

ever heard of a band called ninth level? you should read what they think of themselves! they write essays on how good they are. but the funny thing is it holds true, so it'll stand, kind of like what akerfeldt said.
Originally posted by bleedingskeptic
ever heard of a band called ninth level? you should read what they think of themselves! they write essays on how good they are. but the funny thing is it holds true, so it'll stand, kind of like what akerfeldt said.

I have a demo of theirs. They got signed then broke up.