The (Un)official write anything you want page

So I'm recovering files from a friends almost dead hard drive, and I find a a hidden folder... of course, I look in this... All kinds of weird porn..... from gay porn to midget porn and everything imbetween. So on the DVD i'm using for his files that he needed recovered, I'm tossing ALL OF THIS on there. :lol:
Took the pup to the vet this morning for more shots and a general checkup. He's got mange. It's mild at this point, but still...HE'S GOT TEH MANGE. :(

He's had it since before we got him, as it's spread to puppies from the mother and/or littermates, so there's nothing we could have done to prevent it. Just gotta deal with some baths and dips, and hope it works. The vet doesn't seem too worried though, he believes this will clear right up.

Poor pup :(
As long as we are on the subject of accepting gay sex...

I attended a Nick cave and the Bad Seeds concert yesterday, and then proceded to get so drunk that I could no longer feel feelings. It was glorious. The Man-God graced my miserable existence with such hymns as The Mercy Seat, Stagger Lee, Red Right Hand and The Ship Song. When the encore came rolling along, I was literally shivering, and then Into My Arms started... I was just so... happy. I didn't even know I still had that in me! Flying fornicating whales, that was incredible. Best concert in years.

"I'm a bad motherfucker, don't you know
And I'll crawl over fifty good pussies just to get ONE FAT BOY'S ASSHOLE!"
I saw a woman praying underneath a waterfall to the god Fudo yesterday. I really wanted to take a picture but didn't want to be an asshole and I would have felt like exactly that had I taken a picture of this old woman. She stripped down to a traditional, light linen robe and got under the waterfall. She began to pray as the water pounded her body and made the thin cloth transparent. The volume of her voice rose and lowered to extreme levels as she recited what seemed to be sutra. I'm not entirely sure if she meant for that to happen or if she simply couldn't control her voice as the cold mountain water threatened to take her breath away.

As an interesting contrast, nearby a person I'm assuming was her daughter that came with her to the temple just ignored the whole thing and fucked around with her cell phone.
The Bush video is indeed old news here (quite old in fact) but he never lacks for new material. I realize the insanity that is the Bush administration is nearing its end, but what ultimately scares me is that he was re-elected. He had run the country into the ground and the American people kept him in office.
What will the average American come up with next?