The "what are you preordering?" thread...

Aug 31, 2004
My preorders...

Ulver - Blood Inside (ltd. edition red velvet thingy)
Circus Maximus - The First Chapter
Dream Theater - Octavarium (...-_-)

So....what about you guys/girls?
Hmm....didn't think about things not up for preorder yet, but in that case, the second Arcturus' new album is put up somewhere for preorder, I'll order it. Should be relatively soon, actually, since it will be released in August. I'll probably also preorder the new Symphony X.
I just pre-ordered the Circus Maximus CD and the new one from Pagan's Mind, plus some other stuff that isn't new. I will be picking up the new DT on Tuesday, probably at Best Buy. I'm not taking a chance of that one being late! Should have them all by early next week. :D It will be a sweet listening session for sure.
If you want a great and i do mean great progressive metal CD order as fast as you can CEA SERIN "Where Memories Combine". This has to be one of the most awesome displays of musical talent around. Super powerful driving bass, Awesome powerful guitar riffs, and fast technically perfect drumming, and the voices OH the voices, you won't be dimayed, in fact you will be in awe.
You can actually get some great discounts from preordering albums you know will be great, because they're almost always cheaper to preorder than to buy when they're released.
I don't generally place preorders (I usually have enough new music to tide me over until things are released). The discs I'm most looking forward to right now are:

Sentenced - The Funeral Album
As I Lay Dying (can't remember the title)
Spheric Universe Experience (can't remember the title)
Just Circus Maximus for me. I'll be in Best Buy on June 7 at 10am to pick up my copy of Octavarium.

Speaking of Circus Maximus, my copy of their CD arrived in the mail today. I'm not sure if we're allowed to talk about it yet since it'sbefore the release date, so I'll just say one thing:
I'm not concerned about getting Octavarium on the release date, since I've already heard it, and I'm not happy with Dream Theater anymore.
I had checked that out, but since The End is my regular metal buying place, and with shipping the price would be the same, I went with The End. Sorry, maybe another time.