The Winter Beer Report

The only other winter ones i've tried so far are the usual Frambozen (AWESOME), Boulevard's Nutcracker ale (nice nutty brown ale- usually i don't care much for english nutty ales, but this one's got some good character- nice hop and roasted grain flavor). the delirium is not really out there as far as WAY different holiday brews, but it is a definite awesome beer. and the elephant in santa cap is festive enough to prompt purchasing if you like their stuff anyway. didn't try the Anchor or Sierra Nevada yet.

This weekend, I did check out the Onion brewpub's beer (quick Chicago Christmas visit). Tried the Pupmkin ale and the Barleywine, which was aged 3 yrs and is like 12% ABV. Really nice, and the place is beautiful.

the binny's beverage depot in chicago on Clark has a similar selection to avi's BevMo, but i haven't found anything like that here.
I just tried the new belgium kriek for myself and I kinda dig it, but I don't think I'll be buying it again anytime soon. the sweet/sour balance of the cherry flavor is really really good, but I also prefer the more beeriness of their frambozen. too much fruit, not enough beer malty goodness.

Last year, i bought out the supply (like 3 6-packs) at the only store i found frambozen at, and it was full price. Man. I hope you stocked up. i think i only ended up buying 1 6-pack of it this yr.

However: St. Louis Brewery ( is a pretty popular local brewery that bottles a dece pale ale and a few others (oatmeal stout, pilsner, and seasonal ESB, Scotch Ale, Kolsch, Oktoberfest, etc) makes a killer Barleywine that they sell at the brewpub by the growler for the SAME PRICE as any other beer.
This probably means nothing to most people, but barleywine is a really long-term beer, often fermented for 1 year up to 3 years & more, and is accordingly more expensive (normal beer is ready in about a month). It's got a really malty flavor, but is balanced with a lot of hops and is generally almost sweet and thick; good for winter months. Also, it's generally closer to 10% alcohol instead of like 4-5%, so it's more in the ABV territory of wine.
Is that where the name comes from?

anyway, i'm enjoying some right now. $8.60 a growler (64 oz).
all hail the winter beer thread.
not as many posts as some threads, but definitely high in stamina.
Yeah, I totally stocked up on Frambozen - got 2 sixers in the garage just waiting for the proper moment. I've got a frickin' beer cellar.

I'm not so into those high-alcohol brews, for the most part. Some of the Unibroue stuff is great, but I can only deal with so much. Maudite is probably my fave of theirs and I've got a bottle chillin' in the fridge.

next purchase: carrying sack for my mini keg.
I saw my first pumpkin beer this past weekend. the time of the winter beer approaches!

also - since september in SF is basically summer, I got a bottle of Anchor Junipero Gin for G&Ts and man is that stuff smooth. If I didn't like tonic so much, I'd be drinking this stuff straight-up on the rocks.
yes! i got a case of pumpkin beer from local O'Fallon Brewery this past weekend! very good- better than Buffalo Bill's, as far as a more hearty pumpkin flavor rather than just a light hint of cloves. saw a Blue Moon pumpkin ale too, but didn't try it yet.

the nut brown i brewed for the wedding is bottled and i'm kind of nervous; the swing-capped bottle i had for a taster hasn't been tasting too well. sweet and non-carbonated. but i'm probably just anxious and need to let it sit a while longer. have to move the pale ale to secondary tonight and bottle in a week or so and then i'll have 4 cases of decent beer i don't have to pay the caterer $2.75 a bottle for.

this is mos def my fave time of year. pumpkin beer, college football, turning leaves, cooling weather, oktoberfest- GAH.
ok, I drank my first sixer of Alaskan Winter and it was excellent. Also drank some Paulson (sic?) Hefe in honor of Octoberfest and it too was excellent. Their special Octoberfest brew was good, but not nearly as excellent. Recently brewed a bitter and it is turning out excellent (there should hopefully be plenty left by the time KD comes on tour). Am also brewing a wheat which needs bottling soon. I tasted in when I transfered to the secondary and it was kinda meh, but who knows? It could be okay.
haven't had time to grab many oktoberfest beers. i should do that. my sister brought two growlers of pumpkin ale from a chicago brewery over the wedding.

will try and save some of the wedding brew for when kd comes through too.

lang, that is.
Tasted this past weekend:

Anderson Valley/Boonville Winter Beer
excellent as always, though doesn't seem as chocolatey as last year's.

Deschutes Jubelale
really great new packaging and a nice beer, too. dark, toasty and malty, just the way a winter beer should be.

Pyramid Snow Cap
meh - not my fave, but not bad. At least I get a free pint glass from the brewery when I drink there on a tuesday.
consumed yesterday:

easy drinking, but not too special.

am now drinking an Affligem Noel which is, of course, excellent.

also had Lagunitas Brown Sugar which is waaaay heavy on the alcohol, but goes down sweet and easy. pretty tasty, too.
also, the Winterbraun from Lost Coast which was okay, but not too special. pretty standard winter beer.