The Xena Style Survey!


Feb 4, 2002
Blue Mountains,Australia
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OK people fire away!

1. If you could be any super hereo who would you be?

2. If you could be a fly on the wall of any member of this boards house whose would it be?

3. You get to be female(if your male),or male(if your female) for a day what would you do the entire 24hrs?

4.Name the 1st 3 animals that come into your head!

5. You get the use of a time machine what concert before 1995 do you go to?

6. You are being sent to a deserted island for 12 months.You get to take 3 members of this board,who are they? Also you get to take 2cd's what are they? You also get to take 6 other items no bigger than a milk crate what do you take. On this island there is already a stereo.A generator. The island provides enough food to harvest or kill.

7. Give 3 words to descibe coffee.

8. What would be written on your headstone if you died today?

9. Which character in Neighbours do you most consider to be like your self?

10. Your sentenced to death what you get to request the following things for your last night a meal of your choice,listen to the cd of your choice, sex with any person in the world.What would your choices for each be?
1. If you could be any super hereo who would you be?
Bill Cosby

2. If you could be a fly on the wall of any member of this boards house whose would it be?
any of the ladies walls would be fine.

3. You get to be female(if your male),or male(if your female) for a day what would you do the entire 24hrs?

Take advantage of my breasts.

4.Name the 1st 3 animals that come into your head!
Dog, Goat, Mouse

5. You get the use of a time machine what concert before 1995 do you go to?
one of the monsters of rock gigs in the 80's

6. You are being sent to a deserted island for 12 months.You get to take 3 members of this board,who are they? Also you get to take 2cd's what are they? You also get to take 6 other items no bigger than a milk crate what do you take. On this island there is already a stereo.A generator. The island provides enough food to harvest or kill.

Southy, Gorey, LT.
Entwine 'Gone' & Motley Crue 'Too Fast For Love'. thats all i need.

7. Give 3 words to descibe coffee.
brown, disgusting, bitter

8. What would be written on your headstone if you died today?
'fuck you'

9. Which character in Neighbours do you most consider to be like your self?
Tad because it ryhmes with bad.

10. Your sentenced to death what you get to request the following things for your last night a meal of your choice,listen to the cd of your choice, sex with any person in the world.What would your choices for each be?

Spaghetti, 'The Sullen Sulcus' by Mourning Beloveth and Selma Blair.
1. If you could be any super hereo who would you be?


2. If you could be a fly on the wall of any member of this boards house whose would it be?

Probably Trent. I could see him rocking out while he thinks no-one is watching, see all the weird shit he gets up to, AND perve on his sister!

3. You get to be female(if your male),or male(if your female) for a day what would you do the entire 24hrs?

Thats a toughy actually. I...don't...knoowww.

4.Name the 1st 3 animals that come into your head!

Sausage Dog

5. You get the use of a time machine what concert before 1995 do you go to?

Too many to choose! Maiden, Dio, Priest, Metallica.....then you have to choose which tour! The mind boggles!

6. You are being sent to a deserted island for 12 months.You get to take 3 members of this board,who are they? Also you get to take 2cd's what are they? You also get to take 6 other items no bigger than a milk crate what do you take. On this island there is already a stereo.A generator. The island provides enough food to harvest or kill.

Hmm...Gore would probably be the first member, because he could probably talk for hours about interesting shit. LT would be the second, as he could probably make music out of anything. Not sure about a third....maybe Shannow, he could hunt and cook for us.

As for 2CDs, the first would be Halford's "Live Insurrection", which is 2 disc, so I might only be allowed one album! If I am allowed another, it would probably beeeee.....ummmm.....either Dream Theater's "Scenes From A Memory", because it is very deep and offers alot, "Master Of Puppets", or "Burnt Offerings" I would think.

As for items...hmm...a tv and some kind of super antenna. I assume I would get bored easily. Paper and pens. A mandolin. And a satellite phone!

7. Give 3 words to descibe coffee.


8. What would be written on your headstone if you died today?

:lol: That has creeped me out a bit. Something nice I would hope!

9. Which character in Neighbours do you most consider to be like your self?

Hmm...probably a Toadie or a Stuart.

10. Your sentenced to death what you get to request the following things for your last night a meal of your choice,listen to the cd of your choice, sex with any person in the world.What would your choices for each be?

Hmm...a gourmet hot dog and hot sex with Lucy Lui whilst listening to Rob Zombie's "American Made Music To Strip By". :kickass:
1. If you could be any super hereo who would you be?
2. If you could be a fly on the wall of any member of this boards house whose would it be?
Trent's Sister's.
3. You get to be female(if your male),or male(if your female) for a day what would you do the entire 24hrs?
Have sex with the girl who is currently in my body, that way I can figure out if I am doing anything wrong.
4.Name the 1st 3 animals that come into your head!
5. You get the use of a time machine what concert before 1995 do you go to?
all of them
6. You are being sent to a deserted island for 12 months.You get to take 3 members of this board,who are they? Also you get to take 2cd's what are they? You also get to take 6 other items no bigger than a milk crate what do you take. On this island there is already a stereo.A generator. The island provides enough food to harvest or kill.

I will be like battle royale, and I will win.

The cd's I will take to this massacre will be Earth- The bleeding Fields and Impaled Nazarene- Absense of war does not mean peace. I will also take a bolt action .303 and large bowie knife.

7. Give 3 words to descibe coffee.
8. What would be written on your headstone if you died today?
This better not be the fuckin Jewish section.
9. Which character in Neighbours do you most consider to be like your self?
Toadies new cousin, I can't remember his name.
10. Your sentenced to death what you get to request the following things for your last night a meal of your choice,listen to the cd of your choice, sex with any person in the world.What would your choices for each be?

All you can eat seafood buffet, Wasp-best of, natalie portman.
1. If you could be any super hero who would you be?

Iron Man, then I can walk around saying, "I AM IRON MAN". Also, his suit rules.

2. If you could be a fly on the wall of any member of this boards house whose would it be?

No idea.

3. You get to be female(if your male),or male(if your female) for a day what would you do the entire 24hrs?

Play with my breasts all day.

4.Name the 1st 3 animals that come into your head!

Tiger, elephant, chimp.

5. You get the use of a time machine what concert before 1995 do you go to?

Cripes, I don't know... probably Donington 1988. I'd make sure I wasn't standing near the front though.

6. You are being sent to a deserted island for 12 months.You get to take 3 members of this board,who are they? Also you get to take 2cd's what are they? You also get to take 6 other items no bigger than a milk crate what do you take. On this island there is already a stereo.A generator. The island provides enough food to harvest or kill.

3 members: Umm... no offence to anyone here, but I'm not sure if I'd like to spend 12 hours with you, let alone 12 months. :)
2 CDs: Whitesnake's "1987" and Mother Love Bone's "Apple"
6 other items no bigger than a milk crate: a TV, a DVD player, and four DVDs.

7. Give 3 words to descibe coffee.

Caffeiney. Brown. Aroma-ey.

8. What would be written on your headstone if you died today?

"I told you I was sick" - with apologies to Spike Milligan.

9. Which character in Neighbours do you most consider to be like your self?

Harold, post-stroke. He rules.

10. Your sentenced to death what you get to request the following things for your last night a meal of your choice,listen to the cd of your choice, sex with any person in the world.What would your choices for each be?

Meal: crispy strip combo and potatoes & gravy from KFC
CD: Tenacious D
Sex with any person in the world: Camilla Parker Bowles. Yummy.
1. If you could be any super hereo who would you be?
Batman.... rich, cool, ladies man..... what more can you want?

2. If you could be a fly on the wall of any member of this boards house whose would it be?

3. You get to be female(if your male),or male(if your female) for a day what would you do the entire 24hrs?
Masturbate furiously

4.Name the 1st 3 animals that come into your head!
Dog, lion, snake

5. You get the use of a time machine what concert before 1995 do you go to?
Monsters of Rock in Moscow!

6. You are being sent to a deserted island for 12 months.You get to take 3 members of this board,who are they? Also you get to take 2cd's what are they? You also get to take 6 other items no bigger than a milk crate what do you take. On this island there is already a stereo.A generator. The island provides enough food to harvest or kill.
Wenda, Xena, Moon Child (hey, with three chicks and one bloke, I'm statistically certain to get laid at least once hehe).... cd's would be Into Eternity - Buried in Oblivion and Sonata Arctica - Ecliptica. 6 other items..... condom, condom, condom, condom, condom, rubbish bin for condom wrappers! :D

7. Give 3 words to descibe coffee.
Nerds best friend

8. What would be written on your headstone if you died today?
Told you I was fucking sick!

9. Which character in Neighbours do you most consider to be like your self?
Toadie... only cause a bunch of dicks think I look like him, but then again, he married a babe!

10. Your sentenced to death what you get to request the following things for your last night a meal of your choice,listen to the cd of your choice, sex with any person in the world.What would your choices for each be?
Last meal would be some home made hamburgers (my mother makes burgers to die for, literally hehe)..... cd would be Iced Earth - Glorious Burden (to give me a little extra time hehe) and I'd make love to the Pope. Figure if I'm going to hell, may as well get an express ticket instead of standing in line like a stooge! :p
Apolyom-Todd said:
2. If you could be a fly on the wall of any member of this boards house whose would it be?
That seriously creeps me out dude.
Apolyom-Todd said:
[/b] Toadie... only cause a bunch of dicks think I look like him, but then again, he married a babe!

:lol: did I have anything to do with this?
1. If you could be any super hereo who would you be?
I dunno I dont keep up with superhero shit...maybe Batman

2. If you could be a fly on the wall of any member of this boards house whose would it be?
Any of you women here :wave:

3. You get to be female(if your male),or male(if your female) for a day what would you do the entire 24hrs?
See what I'm doing wrong:erk:

4.Name the 1st 3 animals that come into your head!

5. You get the use of a time machine what concert before 1995 do you go to?
Any Maiden Gig

6. You are being sent to a deserted island for 12 months.You get to take 3 members of this board,who are they? Also you get to take 2cd's what are they? You also get to take 6 other items no bigger than a milk crate what do you take. On this island there is already a stereo.A generator. The island provides enough food to harvest or kill.
Koichi, Tez (their arguments would be funny as fuck) And Haupy, he'd be good for a beer and a laugh. And CDs maybe DevilDriver, Incubus's Newie, and something else everybody else will hateo_O

7. Give 3 words to descibe coffee.
Fucking Brown Shit

8. What would be written on your headstone if you died today?
I told you to burn me and spread the hate FUCKER!

9. Which character in Neighbours do you most consider to be like your self?
I dont watch neighbours so I couldn't tell you

10. Your sentenced to death what you get to request the following things for your last night a meal of your choice,listen to the cd of your choice, sex with any person in the world.What would your choices for each be?
Tacos brought in fresh from Mexico, Whatever famous sheila wanted a shag, I dunno about tunes there are alot I like at the moment
1. If you could be any super hereo who would you be?

Orgasmo! He rules! :D

2. If you could be a fly on the wall of any member of this boards house whose would it be?

I'll go with any female board member's bedroom or bathroom thank you! :p

3. You get to be female(if your male),or male(if your female) for a day what would you do the entire 24hrs?

As Todd said, masturbate furiously! Then go have some hot lesbian sex! HAHA!

4.Name the 1st 3 animals that come into your head!

Cat, Dog, Bird

5. You get the use of a time machine what concert before 1995 do you go to?

Fuck, too many to choose from! Something from the 80s, though! Priest or Maiden festival maybe?

6. You are being sent to a deserted island for 12 months.You get to take 3 members of this board,who are they? Also you get to take 2cd's what are they? You also get to take 6 other items no bigger than a milk crate what do you take. On this island there is already a stereo.A generator. The island provides enough food to harvest or kill.

Members: Wenda, Miss Charvel and Moon Child, mainly 'cos they're all gorgeous but also because they're awesome people too :)
CDs: Queensryche - Rage For Order, Helloween - Keeper pt. I
Items: Computer with satellite DSL connection and webcam, satellite phone, convection microwave, guitar, microphone, drum machine... Hey, I may as well keep working, right? :p

7. Give 3 words to descibe coffee.

Sweet, Black, Strong!!!!

8. What would be written on your headstone if you died today?

Died 16th March, 2004 I guess :p

9. Which character in Neighbours do you most consider to be like your self?

That guy... you know... that... guy... er...! :err:

10. Your sentenced to death what you get to request the following things for your last night a meal of your choice,listen to the cd of your choice, sex with any person in the world.What would your choices for each be?

Tacos or Nachos from Acapulco Mexican Restaurant in Kingsford (YUM!!!!!), LORD - A Personal Journey, someone special ;)
1. If you could be any super hereo who would you be?

2. If you could be a fly on the wall of any member of this boards house whose would it be?

3. You get to be female(if your male),or male(if your female) for a day what would you do the entire 24hrs?
oh dear god. Naked in front of the mirror trying out as much as I could.

4.Name the 1st 3 animals that come into your head!

5. You get the use of a time machine what concert before 1995 do you go to?
Metallica Moscow 1991

6. You are being sent to a deserted island for 12 months.You get to take 3 members of this board,who are they? Also you get to take 2cd's what are they? You also get to take 6 other items no bigger than a milk crate what do you take. On this island there is already a stereo.A generator. The island provides enough food to harvest or kill.
Trixxi Trash
Cyclonus (WHITE LIGHTNING \m/)

2 CDs:

Led Zeppelin - IV
Metallica - Master of Puppets

I dont' know the 6 items though, cbf thinking.

7. Give 3 words to descibe coffee.
Disgusting Tasting Drink.

8. What would be written on your headstone if you died today?
"Have a good time all the time, Be Excellent to each other"

9. Which character in Neighbours do you most consider to be like your self?
Don't get Channel 10 in Mildura

10. Your sentenced to death what you get to request the following things for your last night a meal of your choice,listen to the cd of your choice, sex with any person in the world.What would your choices for each be?[/QUOTE]
Meal - Ham and Cheese sandwich
CD - Led Zeppelin - IV
Sex - Larisa Oleynik
1. If you could be any super hereo who would you be?
ORGAZMO! Greatest superhero ever! There aren't enuff Mormon Porn Stars in the world!

2. If you could be a fly on the wall of any member of this boards house whose would it be?

Tonci's! Make sure he isn't cheating on me, watch him get changed, in the shower...

3. You get to be female(if your male),or male(if your female) for a day what would you do the entire 24hrs?
Make the most of the opportunity - shoot a dirty video & take nude photos then sell them for lots of $$$ when I turn back into myself.

4.Name the 1st 3 animals that come into your head!
Pig, Dog, Cat.

5. You get the use of a time machine what concert before 1995 do you go to?
Oh man, any of these...
1. Maybe "US Festival 1983 - Heavy Metal Day". Van Halen, Judas Priest, Scorpions, Ozzy Osbourne, Quiet Riot and Motley Crue just before Shout At The Devil came out!!! Either that...
2. Kiss - Rio De Janero 1983. Final show with makeup (until 1996 anyway), 150,000 people there, and Vinnie Vincent & Eric Carr in the band!
3. VINNIE VINCENT INVASION on their first tour!

6. You are being sent to a deserted island for 12 months.You get to take 3 members of this board,who are they? Also you get to take 2cd's what are they? You also get to take 6 other items no bigger than a milk crate what do you take. On this island there is already a stereo.A generator. The island provides enough food to harvest or kill.
3 people to take - Miss Charvel, Ceydn and Tonci-Baby!

2 CDs - "Vinnie Vincent Invasion" & "Kiss Alive III"

6 items to take (damn can't take my guitar coz its too big!) - 6 bottles of whiskey! I can't think of anything else that could be of use to me there! So I might as well be able to get trashed and then anything can be fun!

7. Give 3 words to descibe coffee.
Don't. Like. It.

8. What would be written on your headstone if you died today?
Trixxi Trash 1982-2004. We told ya not to keep making fried delights.

9. Which character in Neighbours do you most consider to be like your self?
I don't watch it. But in Passions I think I am most like Chad, except I'm not black.

10. Your sentenced to death what you get to request the following things for your last night a meal of your choice,listen to the cd of your choice, sex with any person in the world.What would your choices for each be?
Pizza; Vinnie Vincent Invasion; Tonci.
1. If you could be any super hereo who would you be?

Jesus Christ, vampire slayer

2. If you could be a fly on the wall of any member of this boards house whose would it be?

Trent, because he'd do cool stuff.

3. You get to be female(if your male),or male(if your female) for a day what would you do the entire 24hrs?

Join Trent's homoerotic glam band

4.Name the 1st 3 animals that come into your head!

Tan pug
Black pug
Persian cat

5. You get the use of a time machine what concert before 1995 do you go to?

Something with MC Hammer.

6. You are being sent to a deserted island for 12 months.You get to take 3 members of this board,who are they? Also you get to take 2cd's what are they? You also get to take 6 other items no bigger than a milk crate what do you take. On this island there is already a stereo.A generator. The island provides enough food to harvest or kill.

Trent. Koichi and somebody Jewish. I take Barry White CDs, and 6 inflatable jumping castle mansions that pack away into 6 milk crates.

7. Give 3 words to descibe coffee.

It's nicer cold.

8. What would be written on your headstone if you died today?

She was a lovely.

9. Which character in Neighbours do you most consider to be like your self?

Joe Scully, but not really. Actually, I am Madge.

10. Your sentenced to death what you get to request the following things for your last night a meal of your choice,listen to the cd of your choice, sex with any person in the world.What would your choices for each be?[/QUOTE]

All of my favourite food, that guy with the high, fluctuating voice from Police Academy reading something really long like the bible, and a spesh lovely. Chenkyui, Pepsi mex.
1. If you could be any super hereo who would you be?

2. If you could be a fly on the wall of any member of this boards house whose would it be?

Not Wenda's. She has a bird and it would eat me. So Moony's.

3. You get to be female(if your male),or male(if your female) for a day what would you do the entire 24hrs?

Explore my body, then head off to a lesbian bar

4.Name the 1st 3 animals that come into your head!

Cat, dog, cockatoo

5. You get the use of a time machine what concert before 1995 do you go to?

Live Aid in London 1985 where I could watch Judas Priest

6. You are being sent to a deserted island for 12 months.You get to take 3 members of this board,who are they? Also you get to take 2cd's what are they? You also get to take 6 other items no bigger than a milk crate what do you take. On this island there is already a stereo.A generator. The island provides enough food to harvest or kill.

I would take Xena. And Koichi, so he can catch fish. And Trent. For laughs.
The two CDs I would take would be Master of Puppets and Brave New World. I would also take a laptop, a shortwave radio, a TV, a video camera and a small esky.

7. Give 3 words to descibe coffee.

Hot, black, bitter

8. What would be written on your headstone if you died today?

"Damn, she told me I would die first!"

9. Which character in Neighbours do you most consider to be like your self?

Boyd, Max's son. He's sort of what I was like when I was his age, except I didn't get to bed hot chicks.

10. Your sentenced to death what you get to request the following things for your last night a meal of your choice,listen to the cd of your choice, sex with any person in the world.What would your choices for each be?

A nine course Chinese banquet, with 'The Number of the Beast' blasting real loud, especially "Hallowed be Thy Name" cause it would be kind've appropriate. Then sex with my wife, because if I wanted, she could be anyone I imagined her to be. :D