THEOCRACY: Now taking preorders/Video online


New Metal Member
Mar 12, 2003
Athens, GA
Hey Guys--
Sorry for the spam, but I figured some people here would like to know, so I am happy to announce that the Theocracy album has finally been sent off to be manufactured. Yup, the booklet and everything is finally done, and it looks great. Therefore, we are now officially taking preorders; just go to and there are preorder links on the left side of each page.

Also, we added a short video to the site. It's basically just a welcome
video in which I run my mouth about this or that, so feel free to check that out as well and laugh at my ugly mug. Go to the news page, and the video links are on the right side.
That's it! Thanks for listening! :)

Matt Smith
Theocracy said:
Thanks Zod! As far as I know, The End will indeed carry the disc...


Hey Matt, my name is brent, i don't know if you remember me, my friends casey and amanda and i met you at the DIO show last year at the masquerade in atlanta. i was just wondering if the cd would be out in time for the vendors at progpower to have? i hope so, because i have had it on my to get list since i heard the song that casey let me hear off of the progpower3 sampler. if not, do you know if it will be able to be ordered by my local record store that specializes in special orders?

Brent Erwin

Theocracy said:
Hey Brent--
Sure, I remember you. How's it going, man? In answer to your question, the disc definitely will be for sale at the festival (obviously barring some sort of disaster here in the duplication stage), so you should have no problem finding it if you want to wait until then.

Thanks bro!


cool, i'll definitly be acquring one. so will my friends, they liked the song "serpent's kiss" too. if they are all like that, it is sure to be release of the year.

Demonspell said:
Not sure, but Metal Ages will definitely carry it as it is on Deron's label...
By the way, my question about The End should in no way be viewed as any sort of slap against Deron. From everything I've heard about his business, it's top flight. I've just never had any reason to stray from The End, who I can't say enough good things about.