This forum still sucks.

Even for me, who started posting in early 2008, it's weird to think that back then CC wasn't even 2 years old, and Colony was as old as SC is now. Wtf. ASOP hadn't even been released yet, so STYE was the worst thing IF had done at that point. Didn't realise how fortunate I was :D

As someone who doesn't understand what it's like to have STYE be the lowest point for In Flames, I wish I could understand. Anything to rid my soul of the horror that is Battles.
Ehh, honestly it didn't feel a whole lot different to now :D we'd come from a much higher point, so the drop to STYE felt worse, even if it wasn't actually as bad as SC or Battles. By the time we got to those two dumpster fires we'd already had to endure ASOP and watch Jesper leave. A lot of people didn't like SOAPF either (although I did), so IF fanbase was very different to how it was in 2006 or even 2008.
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It's funny because, for me, it was harder to get into R2R than into STYE. At the time, it felt like a bigger change. And, my first feeling about Reroute was that the choruses were too similar to Soilwork. Then, I let it rest for a whole year and, when I started listening to it again, I loved the album.
Imo RtR had the potential to be rated equal or second to Clayman if some shit(you, Transparent) was removed and Fredrik did the mixing.
STYE is not.
They chose to thoroughly eliminate the guitar harmonies and play the chugging and drums with creepy effects behind a castrated hamster voice.
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I was at an impressionable age when Reroute came out, so I tended to follow the opinions of people older than me. General consensus at the time was fuck Reroute, sellout bullshit. One of my friends, in all seriousness, said it reminded him of the Backstreet Boys :D so it was only about six months later when I'd grown up a little and started forming my own opinion that I gave Reroute another chance and ended up enjoying it a lot.

STYE... I only really changed my opinion on this in the last couple of years. I still find it the weakest album between 1994-2006, but I don't consider it a bad album anymore.
Dude was a bit of a loon, honestly :D I can remember when I told him Satellites and Astronauts was my fav In Flames song he called me a little poser bitch and spent a week or so having digs at me for it. Then at the end of the week said "so, is Satellites still your favourite In Flames song?", to which I replied "Yep" and he then didn't talk to me for three days :rofl: good ol' metal elitists. He also proudly showed me his R2R disc snapped in half on the day he purchased it. Surprised he didn't take a video of himself shitting on it for good measure.

No idea what he's up to these days, but I would assume he doesn't follow IF anymore :p
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Dude was a bit of a loon, honestly :D I can remember when I told him Satellites and Astronauts was my fav In Flames song he called me a little poser bitch and spent a week or so having digs at me for it. Then at the end of the week said "so, is Satellites still your favourite In Flames song?", to which I replied "Yep" and he then didn't talk to me for three days :rofl: good ol' metal elitists. He also proudly showed me his R2R disc snapped in half on the day he purchased it. Surprised he didn't take a video of himself shitting on it for good measure.

No idea what he's up to these days, but I would assume he doesn't follow IF anymore :p

Wtf :lol::lol::lol:
I got this capture of the old Everdying board

Lot of memories flooding back looking at this. Apparently in my teenage ignorance, I thought it was worth creating a thread to compare IF and CoB :D I visited that forum every day for a long time, sometimes spending hours there at a time. I wish I had stayed in contact with more people from back then. Even if just to get them to come here.

@Pallbearer I see you in there with your song terminator thread :D
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It was probably me. :rofl:

Idk man, did you go through a phase of casting spells and curses? :D in my last interactions with this bellend he started telling me he'd learned how to do black magic, and could cast curses on people or spells. He started telling me he could put spells on women to make them fall in love with him. Obviously I was just loling at him and firing some brutal shots in his direction. Didn't take long for him to snap and announce he had cursed me and my whole family, and that I'd regret the day I betrayed him. Never heard from the madlad again :rofl:

Come to think of it though... it is possible his curse has something to do with Jesper leaving and Benson becoming a thing. So, apologies if I am somehow responsible.
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:D No, I wasn't casting spells and curses unless I was playing D&D.

That's a pretty great story though. I used AIM a lot and I'm sure I had my fair share of weird experiences, but I don't remember getting anything quite like that. I just remember searching for people within the program and looking at their info. If I saw anywhere that they listened to metal, they got an IM.
:D No, I wasn't casting spells and curses unless I was playing D&D.

That's a pretty great story though. I used AIM a lot and I'm sure I had my fair share of weird experiences, but I don't remember getting anything quite like that. I just remember searching for people within the program and looking at their info. If I saw anywhere that they listened to metal, they got an IM.

Those IM days were a proper wild west environment. I still remember the response that totally triggered him was me saying "you are the black wizards, lmao"... which I assume he took as both a personal insult and an insult to his beloved black metal, as he went apeshit after that comment :rofl:
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It's not like he was a teenager either, dude was in his mid-20s from memory.

On MSN back in the early 2000s I actually had an add on which did log all of my chats, so I still have a ton of them on an old HDD from between 2000 - 2008 or so. I had something similar for AIM (DeadAIM I think?) which logged some stuff, but nowhere near as much as MSN. They are funny to go back to sometimes, especially the early 2000s when I was just getting into IF and metal in general. Battling through life on a 56K modem and Windows ME computer :D to quote Dusty Rhodes, that's hard times.
He was in his mid-20s and acting like that? I was thinking he was still a kid. That's pretty fucked behavior for someone that age. He definitely burned down some churches.
I think I started lurking on this forum around 2005/2006 maybe? I had an account a long ass time ago but I couldn't even remember what my username was, not that I ever posted anything remarkable. Anyways it's nice to see a piece of early 2000's internet culture still alive in the era of social media. Definitely remember scoping out the Everdying forums, the Jesterhead forums, and of course, JesterAss :D