To all Texas coastal area, Houston, or Dallas Orphaned Land fans

I dont know whats going to happen with the hurricane but I just want to say good luck and dont get stuck in the gridlocked traffic if you dont have to. Last night my county was in the direct line of the hurricane eye wall but thankfully today the eye shifted quite a bit to the east so its missing my area. The good news is that I may miss the 100 -150 mph wind storms, and may only suffer 40-80 mph winds. I'll post whenever I can after this whole thing is over by Sunday. Hurricane hits us Friday night/Saturday morning and it will probably last for 4 hours in its full intensity, and then it passes.

Good luck to you Dallas friends, I know the hurricane may hit you guys after it demolishes Houston. My friend and I have been making the best of Mabool "THE FLOOD" (heheh) by playing it alot today - the music helps bigtime. I'll be back as soon as I can be online friends! the storm still rages!! :headbang:
Heya. Good luck to you too, I have friends fleeing from Port Lavaca and Houston staying with me now. We might have to leave if we get the rain/winds they are anticipating will hit Dallas. I'll be riding out the storm to Mabool myself! :)
station82o said:
Hey good to see that! Heed my warning and fill up your gas tank now! I'm dead serious - drop everything and get full tanks on as many vehicles as you can.

Good advice. The stations by my office are dark - they're all out of gas.
Thanks everyone for your prayers and thoughts. As of this morning, every gas station I went to was out of gas, and every grocery store was out of bottled water and VERY low on non-perishables. Public panic is not a pretty sight. I'm calm about the whole thing, I just hope it doesn't hit the south too hard. I have a house full of friends that were evacuated from the south, and we're all just watching and waiting.
its getting winder in houston - i've boarded up my place as much as i can, and cut down trees all around the area - i'm exhausted. still not sure about what the winds will be around my area upon nightfall and i dont want to speculate but we'll see what happens. Thanks for the well wishes everyone.
the winds are picking up, its raining and my power went out briefly. Good luck to my fellow texan friends, I may not post again for some time if power goes out, the storm is not even here yet - 3 more hours and its drifting further north into louisiana which is good for us texas people but bad for them obviously. I hope everyone stays safe, till next time!
Its over, myself and my family and friends nearby are fine, homes are undamaged in my area - the skies are clearing and while its still a little windy, its only 20 mph at best really, the sun is out and its nice and cool outside. At most there were a couple flashes of power outage for split seconds, but I was really fortunate in not having my power permanently cut (its funny b/c for no reason at all sometimes, my power will get cut on a calm sunny day, but the day of a major hurricane, I'm fine). The storm changed so much from going west to sharply going north, and I basically caught a lucky break - two nights ago i was in direct path of the eye wall and then the worst I ended up getting was some tailing rainstorms that were over with in mere minutes.

I was listening to Orphaned Land's Mabool and some Iron Maiden during the middle of the night while watching the news, certainly helped a bit to take my mind off of things. Thanks for the wellwishes from fellow board members and the Orphaned Land guys themselves, now we have to hope Dallas and north Texas doesn't get hit too badly.
Yossi_Orphaned_Land said:
Very glad to hear it's over for you!!! :)
(p.s. regarding the CDs etc,- great way to pass time by in your shelter)

How about others? are everyone here safe by now?

Some eastern Texas counties and cities suffered property damage, Houston itself was spared, and really most important of all, no one died as a result of the hurricane directly, which is amazing.