Tori Amos playlists

@John Carvajal: you can try "Winter", "Girl" and lots of others, begin with these they're from her "Little Earthquakes" album, and this is the one I know the best, so I'll leave the others talk about the rest :)

Thanks for the recommendations people :)
Little Earthquakes is among my list of all-time fav albums. "Winter" and "China" are amazing. Everyone tells me how great Tori is live. I wish I could experience it firsthand :cry:
shes great live. depends on tours, sometimes its theaters with just her and piano, sometimes its big venues with drums and bass as well, i just saw her with the full band and it was fucking boss.
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
tori is my HEROIN/........GODDESS/IDOL. me favourite album is 'from the choirgirl hotel' and me fave song is 'i i e e e'. all her albums are worth it anyway, a few boss songs on all of them.

Ah, I can't believe it, you a fan, and I never picked up on the ieeee in your name.

I'm a huge fan too and yes, if anyone gets the chance to see her live, do, because it'll be one of the best performances you'll ever see.

Boys for Pele is her best I think and Scarlet's Walk is next, but I have 'em all and some of her best stuff is on b-sides or bootlegs.
hey now that we're mates can you take your native american curse back, since that day that cd player wouldnt work anymore :erk:
Why would I curse you? I can't do that. And I wouldn't if I could. I'd have to live with that, wouldn't I ?

Maybe if you took back the Pocahontas comment it will start working again. Maybe you did it to yourself.
what does my ego have to do with that? youre telling me you feel offended cause i compared you to someone youve never actually seen and thats because of my ego? :D
Most likely, the ancestors were offended. They may have done something to you. They have their own reasons. Your lack of respect, maybe driven by your ego? That has nothing to do with me, just you. You can live with it if you want, it's not my business.
You're the one who used an ancestoral name in a derogatory way. This tends to piss off the ancestors. You are not the first one who has said similar things to me about something they no nothing about (our race, ancestors, language) or outright rude statements towards me(native 'sluttiness', or native 'filth', etc.) with a certain negative feeling in their hearts about it (obviously, don't be a coward NOW mehdi) and have gotten something in return for it. It's just not me who did it. :err: