Tour Idea!


Apr 18, 2002
Wooster, Ohio
I was thinking, maybe if all the Kalmah fans send messages to Spinefarm and Century Media requesting a Kalmah tour they might consider it. We could show them how much of a fan-base they have and how deserving they are of a tour...I understand that there are issues of money involved but this could be a kick in the right direction!

A Kalmah tour would be :OMG:
Well, all we would have to do is start e-mailing the record label. Maybe for the subject for the e-mail ,we should all put "Kalmah Tour" and something similar...Anything really to get them noticed...Check and and look for an e-mail link. I'm not sure how much responsibility Century Media would have over a tour for Kalmah but it's always worth a shot
I think it's quite useless right now, since they are working with the new album and dont have time to tour anyway. Remember to buy the new album rigth away then it comes up, the record companys often give the band tours and such just as much as they sell records. You know, if Kalmah would hit the finnish charts for few weeks it would be a nice encouragement for spinefarm to give Kalmah some tours. :)
Absolutley, I agree with you Infernium but it coudn't hurt to e-mail anytime really. If enough people show interest in Kalmah, at anytime, it could prove to benefit them even if they are currently recording or doing something to keep them busy.
Instead of just contacting Kalmah and trying to get them to play, what you should do is contact other bands with a bigger fan basis around your area and try to get them to play with kalmah
Better yet: fly to Finland, find Kalmah (should be easy as there are only 26 people in Finland and they are all in melodic death metal bands) then kidnap them, forcing them to play night after night until you puke. I estimate 8 straight nights of rocking Kalmah-ness before vomiting occurs.
god thank you for the comment about only 26 people living in finland....good show, good show. Kalmah should play with Burnt By The Sun, Anorexia Nervosa, Dimmu Borgir and Opeth
Shreiner said:
god thank you for the comment about only 26 people living in finland....good show, good show. Kalmah should play with Burnt By The Sun, Anorexia Nervosa, Dimmu Borgir and Opeth

If that happened, the sheer amount of joy would cause my head to literally explode, as if Chuck Norris karate choped it.