Track By Track: In Flames - A Sense Of Purpose

I think exactly the opposite, great album but the production isn't very good :)

Fair do's.
I just think as far as metal production goes, this album sounds very natural and organic, which is pretty fockin' cool.
Why are people surprised to hear the Tiny Terror was used for some of the rhythm tracks? It is perfectly capable of getting a metal sound...everything else is done in post to give it any extra oomph it needs.

Ditto, I've never liked the production on any of their albums. Likewise, I've never really been a fan of theirs either.

Yeah, I'll honestly say In Flames' guitar tone is not one I'd ever want (except on Come Clarity, I love the crunch on that one), but it works so well for them, and Clayman really is a fantastic production. AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, if you don't like anything from "The Jester Race" to "Reroute to Remain," then I am speechless, cuz those are masterpieces (my favorites being Clayman, Jester Race, Whoracle, Reroute, and Colony, in that order)
Yeah, I'll honestly say In Flames' guitar tone is not one I'd ever want (except on Come Clarity, I love the crunch on that one), but it works so well for them, and Clayman really is a fantastic production. AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, if you don't like anything from "The Jester Race" to "Reroute to Remain," then I am speechless, cuz those are masterpieces (my favorites being Clayman, Jester Race, Whoracle, Reroute, and Colony, in that order)

Yeah, I pretty much agree 100% with that
(my favorites being Clayman, Jester Race, Whoracle, Reroute, and Colony, in that order)

Oh fuck yeah, Clayman, Jester Race and Whoracle are probably one of my favourite albums ever. I'm not even sure if I'd want to know the amount of time I wasted listening to those albums as a teen. Strong emotional bond to those three.

That being said, I literally almost shat my pants when seeing Only for the weak played live for the first time.
Robert Laghi has done some Freak Kitchen yeah, and Hardcore Superstar etc. In other words, mostly rock acts. He seemed to have some prejudice against metal bands (and production) for sure.

And In Flames have been favorites of mine for about 8 or 9 years now and I love everything they have ever done. Their new direction isn't something I personally would have wanted them to go in, but they do whatever they feel like and thats part of the reason why I love them.
dude, that's really interesting... thank you very much for posting! :kickass:

i think there are also some cool videos of the making of of this album on youtube..after reading this article everything looks clearer to me now :lol:
Yeah, very nice post.
I find In Flames' productions very unique. There are some thing I don't like about them (like the palm mutes on some songs) but I like the general approach a lot.
Why are people surprised to hear the Tiny Terror was used for some of the rhythm tracks? It is perfectly capable of getting a metal sound...everything else is done in post to give it any extra oomph it needs.


I'm sure we all know just how capable an amp the Tiny Terror is of bringing the focking br00talz, it's just that personally, I hadn't heard of it being used on commercial metal recording before I read that.
Dodo: Right on.

As for Clayman, bla bla....I'm really just not impressed with any of it. I've heard a lot of their music, a friend of mine is a big fan of theirs and forces me to listen to them on occasion because he also cannot believe I do not like them. Honestly I don't see the big deal with them. They are good players, musicians all around...I just never liked their music or the production on anything they've done. I'm the kind of person that will like a band purely for production quality even if the music isn't something I like, if the music is good, then that is a bonus. Likewise, I like bands that have good music, but less than stellar production, where the music is good but if the production is good then that is a bonus. I find neither qualities to my liking with In Flames. Different strokes for different folks, as they say...

Dear In Flames,

I have been listening to a Sense of Purpose a lot lately and I really love this mix. At high volumes you can really hear the snare. One of the best snare tones ever and just really a greatly mixed album all around. It's too bad your other records do not have this stellar production as I'm sure your fan base would be double what it is now. I would love to help engineer your next record if you want to sound even better.


Kelly Gray
Dear In Flames,

I have been listening to a Sense of Purpose a lot lately and I really love this mix. At high volumes you can really hear the snare. One of the best snare tones ever and just really a greatly mixed album all around. It's too bad your other records do not have this stellar production as I'm sure your fan base would be double what it is now. I would love to help engineer your next record if you want to sound even better.


Kelly Gray

I really like the production on Colony, but it is a bit fatiguing. Jester Race though, OH MAN. Don't even get me started on how perfect that album is. (If you couldn't tell by my avatar :)) The guitars sound great, great lead tones, same goes to Whoracle. Reroute though, WHAT HAPPENED? Come Clarity was a good one though, I really like the production. I honestly can't listen to the past Clayman minus CC, it's too embarrassing