Tyranny of Souls?


I'm long winded
Jul 17, 2003
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Just curious to see who has heard it, what they think, etc. I don't expect a bunch of replies, but what the hell, it's worth a shot.

I was going to run out and buy it as soon as it came out, just because it's new Bruce. Skunkworks, Accident of Birth and The Chemical Wedding are three very good reasons to dump 15 bucks into some new shit.

Unfortunately, this album is either a bad case of it'll grow on me or it's just mediocre. Soul Intruders is the worst song he's put out in 11 years (not including Brave New World and Dance of Death. Not sure if there's anything worse on those). Abduction is decent, nothing special. Navigate the Seas of the Sun is good, but gets old fast.
The two songs that got my attention were Devil on a Hog and Believil. DoaH has a great vintage sound to it and is catchy as hell. I love the vocal harmonies. Believil (which is really difficult to type for some reason) is a pretty good heavy song just for the sake of being heavy. Nothing wrong with that once in a while.
Every other song is pretty unremarkable. I don't blame it on lack of Adrian... He only wrote on 2 songs for Chemical Wedding, and they were my least favorites on the album. I don't blame it on Bruce either, because the lyrics are passable and his voice sounds fucking fantastic. And you can't particularly blame anything on Bruce because it's impossible to distinguish between the parts written by him and the parts written by Roy.

The whole thing just feels bland. Atleast I got a couple good tunes out of it.
what pisses me off is that he can do so much better, all of the songs are so predictable that sounds like all of them are one week takes

did I just say that he wrote them?, sorry, I meant Roy I-write-a-new-book-of-thel-ripoff-everytime Z
Cortavenas said:
what pisses me off is that he can do so much better, all of the songs are so predictable that sounds like all of them are one week takes

did I just say that he wrote them?, sorry, I meant Roy I-write-a-new-book-of-thel-ripoff-everytime Z
That's probably just a little harsh..... :lol:
SoundMaster said:
It's a very average - dare I say - mediocre album. 2 or 3 really strong tunes, but that's it.
Yeah.....right. Dance of Death just blows it away........ :yuk:

The last two Bruce albums have been fucking unreal. 'Chemical Wedding' would be one of the best metal albums of the last 15 years, and 'Tyranny' is not far behind it.

Have a joint of good pot, and try it again.
Nightwing said:
The last two Bruce albums have been fucking unreal. 'Chemical Wedding' would be one of the best metal albums of the last 15 years, and 'Tyranny' is not far behind it.

I agree about Chemical Wedding. That album (with Skunkworks) is forever wedged in my top 5 ever, as high as 2nd on a good day (It's hard to explain, but my favorites like to jump around a lot).
I've given Tyranny of Souls another listen, and I like it a bit more now than I did before. When I first posted the thread, I would have given it a 5.5/10, but I think it's up to a 6.75/10. Power of the Sun is pretty good, so is Kill Devil Hill. Those were the "it'll grow on me" songs of the album. I was hoping there would be a few. NtSotS has grown on me too, and I no longer consider it to be overly drawn out.
Mars Within is an average lead in track. I like how the effects used on the very end of The Alchemist are used right from the start, giving it sort of a fake vintage feel. While we're on the topic of average, I believe that the title track is the epitome of average. If I were to pick anything in the world to explain to someone what average meant, it would be this song. 5.0000000000/10. Calling the title track of an album an average song is never really a good thing. Abduction is still basically average too (but what a hilarious video).
I still loathe Soul Intruders, and River of no Return is terrible too. It;s so repetitive thatI had to laugh when Bruce kept saying the same lines over again and then "DO YOU REALIZE?!?!" Yeah Bruce, I relaized, you told me that 3 minutes ago.

Sorry, I didn't mean for this post to get so bloated.