UK Sneapsters! Booking a tour, need help!


Jun 13, 2007
Trying to book a short 4 date tour in the UK at the minute for my band Shardborne and another Irish band Ilenkus. We're both from Ireland and would both be considered Progressive Metal- We're kind of like Opeth or Cynic and they'd be more like Dillinger Escape Plan kind of thing.

Finding it hard to get onto the right people so would appreciate some help! We're looking to go over from Sept 13th - 16th. Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Birmingham and Bristol are where we've been contacting promoters so far. If people could even give us names of some good promoters that'd be enough to get the ball rolling
Was it Heretic promotions that ye guys book it through? I've conacted them based on a few people recommendation
In Glasgow, you've got several venues that have in house promoters.

13th Note, Pivo Pivo, Cathouse, The Captains Rest are all venues I can recommend.

If you're after something a little bigger - the ABC2 or G2 is pretty good. You're looking at up to 400 cap there though.
Thanks guys. Small enough places would be what we're looking at really, never been to the Uk before so we'll not have a fan base over there.
If you can in Glasgow try and get in on a gig in Bar Bloc because not only will they pay you even though they let punters get in free they also give meals to every band that comes through. (Think the owner was in band in a previous life or something because its more than fair terms and if you get a decent crowd that place can be lively)

Pivo Pivo is alright but the owner was a fucking arsehole to me the last time I was in there (passive aggressively told me I should pay him 50 quid an hour to stay open because I was taking too long getting my people out on a Friday night even though the place had been packed and I was just finished carting my gear out to the van) also you'll only get money based on tickets you sell (usually 5 to 6 quid each) which is fair enough if your local but otherwise I'm guessing you will struggle.