Um, Bloodbath?

Oct 30, 2002
Live from La-La Land
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I just read an interview with Dan, not sure what the date was, but he mentioned that Mike was out of Bloodbath and he wanted to take the band in a Death/Dark Angel direction. Besides the fact that it wouldn't be Bloodbath-sounding, isn't the band Jonas and Anders'?
Dan started Bloodbath if I remember correctly. He wrote 4 songs on his own for Resurrection Through Carange and about 50 % for their first EP. Bloodbath is Dan Swanö's project.
ColdDarkNord said:
They just need to find another growler.. Point is Mike. He fucking busy nowadays. Poor guy is about to burn down.
Exactly. He's a husband now, and needs to wash, clean, cook, massage his gorgeous wife's feet... busy life! :p
yeah I read that at Lords of Metal:

Do you still have any plans with Bloodbath?

‘Yes, we do. The biggest problem is to replace Mike (Akerfeldt – Opeth). He’s not going to be there because of contract things with Music for Nations. I can understand that because he is the Opeth main man. We have a couple of names, I don’t want to mention any names but I would say that some of them are bigger than Mike and some may be not well-known but they have a great voice. I would like to find a very famous singer with a great voice that fits in the Bloodbath concept. We have found him but we haven’t decided really yet. If everything works we make a new album because everyone is asking us. So, Jonas, Anders, me and this other person. To me, Mike is the best singer with a growling voice in the world and he is impossible to replace. But we can have another shot working with what we have now instead of then and make an album that is equal but in a different direction. I will try to write more in the direction of Death and Dark Angel instead of Swedish death metal’.