Vehementer Nos – Self Titled


Oct 22, 2006
Vehementer Nos – Self Titled
Osmose Productions – OPCD 192 – 784-985 – Out Now
By Dan Fisher


Vehementer Nos strive to awaken the darker side of the psyche with their self titled debut album. According to the band it has taken them six years to write in what has been a “long and painful process”. Crafted from obsidian, the quintet of songs offered here are an atmospheric mix of black metal, neo classical and neo folk. Incidently, the name Vehementer Nos comes from a decree from the reigning Pope (Pious X) in 1905 that the idea of the separation of church from state would be "a thesis absolutely false, a most pernicious error". Of course, the twentieth century has seen an erosion of this link until we are now left, for better or for worse, to choose any path we wish. While I couldn’t find any interviews with the band on the lyrical content they do mention that the album alludes to the cyclical nature of man’s thirst for power. So, does this cerebral joy have the music to back up the theory?

Well yes, actually. The first song ’Contre le Cycle’ begins with a dark choir chorus signalling a call to arms for the ritual to begin. We are then sent headlong into blast beat central but the production is good enough for the listener to remain interested. It is difficult to pinpoint where they are going right but such is the atmosphere created that you know that it can’t have just been coincidence; this is a labour of time and effort. One element I don’t like is some of the more abrupt structural changes from folk to blastbeats. There seems to be a trend at the moment for ambushing the listener but it doesn’t add anything to the music so why not just segue sections in and build in the classical form? The standout track for me is the final movement ‘Dans le Flot’ that brings everything to a shudderingly glacial close.

Vehementer Nos is a grower and it has definitely captured my imagination. There are formulaic elements that let it down like the blastbeats but I think the band will grow out of that very quickly to lead a new direction in darkly classical black metal.

Official Vehementer Nos Website
Official Osmose Productions Website
One element I don’t like is some of the more abrupt structural changes from folk to blastbeats. There seems to be a trend at the moment for ambushing the listener but it doesn’t add anything to the music so why not just segue sections in and build in the classical form?

Yes, abrupt changes of the sort you mention are awful compositional devices mistaken by rookies as being big and clever. I haven't heard this record so i can't comment directly, but if we're taling about the same trend then I have no reservations in declaring that it is something that makes me shake my head in disgust. Irresponsible composition is my pet peeve :mad: