'Viking' Folk/Black Metal


Feb 7, 2003
You people have a general idea of what I listen to now and should know better than you recommend me jollyfolk bullshit.

This particular style is one I've always more or less ignored. There are very few bands outside of Bathory, Morrigan, Nachtfalke, and Falkenbach in this style that I actually know of, let alone have heard, so do me a favor and catch me up on some of the good stuff that I've been missing.
Manegarm - Anything
Mistur - Skoddefjellet
Thrudvangar - Ahnenthron/Walhall
Lifthrasireon - The Age of Lifthrasir

Lifthrasireon isn't so much viking, but plenty of folk influences.
Nec you need the first 3 of manegarm and thats it. most of these bands are not blacky-folk while folk/viking. The first Menhir is really good, they went to a more folk/vik later but it's still really good.
holy shit! nec's asking for recs.
that's all I have to say really. I'd second graveland, but I'm sure nec is familiar with them already.
Yeah, I have about a dozen Graveland albums. :p

I'll try to get to some of what was mentioned and then report back with what I liked and didn't.
yeah im pretty sure he's not looking for that style, hence Bathory and morrigan combination in first post. and even if he does, Sagas is far more mainstream/generic/overly-gay-turisas 'epic' ness than Turis Fratyr
Yeah, I was going to mention that Equilibrium is a perfect example of what I don't want. Sounds like Children of Bodom. Ancient Rites and Hades are both excellent, though I'm not entirely sure how well they fit into the whole 'viking' thing. I have the early Manegarm demo compilation, which I remember being marginally entertaining. I've only heard Likferd by Windir, which I found to be a bit too overblown. I don't really care for Helrunar and Finsterforst. I remember liking Iuvenes. MP, obviously feel free to recommend more, as you know my taste pretty well.
Ancient Rites and Hades are both excellent, though I'm not entirely sure how well they fit into the whole 'viking' thing.

They aren't as "viking-oriented" as some other bands, but that's actually why I mentioned them (Ancient Rites, I mean). I figured they were more akin to the darker, more "black-metal" style, whereas bands like Turisas and Equilibrium have very little to no black metal in their sound. Also, Ancient Rites is starting to sound a bit more symphonic on their newer albums. They're definitely great albums, but I'm not sure if you're looking for that or not.

Also, Nec, have you listened to Einherjer?
Einherjer is one of the bands that I intend to look into, as well as Thyrfing.
I have the Häive demo, and I'm pretty sure I checked out Farsot, I'll have to listen to them again. Not familiar with the other band.

Trimonium sounds like more Power Metal bullshit. Not what I'm looking for.