Vote For Troggie!

Trogdor 666

Aug 15, 2007
Voorhees, NJ
Hey Ladies and Gents of OSA, I don't know if you've checked the Picture Thread Lately, but me and a couple friends (Collectively known as the White Board Mafia) have been taking part in a contest to become the new Commissioner of Philly-Based Pro Wrestling Unplugged. I'm very happy to declare that we have become finalists in the contest, but we still have 9 other people to get through before we can become the new commissioner!

So I'm asking all of my friends (You are my friends... right? ..... right?) to PLEASE do us a small favor and write to that you vote for the White Board Mafia, it would mean a hell of a lot to me! I had the chance to be in the ring with Diamond Dallas Page, one of my favorites of all time, last week and the feeling was indescribable! Here's a picture:

There's DDP's back to the camera:


And here's a better shot of me & DDP, even if the ring ropes block some of my face...


Being in a ring for the first time w/ DDP was like a dream come true, and I need a little help from my friends to keep this dream going! So please, just a quick email to for the White Board Mafia and I will bestow eternal thanks upon you!
Here you are Sir, mail sent:
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 22:43:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: "CXXX BXXX" <>
Subject: New Commissioner

My vote goes to... Ta-Daa Di-DiDi Ta-Daaaaaaa...

- to the White Board Mafia


*waits for the cookies start raining* :saint:
Thank you all so much for your votes! If you happen to be running any kind of online petition, please, just look me up! You really don't know how much this all means to me!
OK, I hate being a tool, but I need your love ONE MORE TIME!!

Me and mine homies are now in the TOP FIVE!!! SUPERSWEET! Thank you everybody! There's one last round of voting going on NOW and the winner we be announced next Saturday on the 17th!! So please, one more quick email to for the White Board Mafia and we shall rule with an iron fist!