Wacken 2k6

flights to europe are actually pretty cheap. dunno about flying from vancouver though. might even double the cost from say, atlanta. i could tell you how much it cost me but id have to think.

re: europeans opinions of americans - never had any problems. people were actually quite friendly. but, my theory is that everything is somehow amplified when you are a foreigner. by that i mean, europeans were no more or less friendly than people here. it just *seemed* that way. our cultures are fairly similar. its not like visiting india, china, or some other completely "non-white" country. itd probably be easy to do all kinds of offensive things and not know it.

re: loud americans. i would agree with that in general, but it's cultural - not intended to be annoying. when soft-spoken germans come here, we dont mock them for not talking loudly.
it's expensive to fly BACK to vancouver, but it's cheap to fly out. A return flight costs 2.5 times as much as a one-way. Probably because the fuel costs so much more in europe than over here.
if you are flying one way from Europe to anywhere you will pay through the nose ...
i don't know what that shit is all about, but it very well could be fuel costs as you mentioned.

from NY, this time of year you could fly round trip to London for less then $300
dorian gray said:
flights to europe are actually pretty cheap.

Oh yeah? When & where did you fly to Europe that was cheap?

My r/t airfare to Hamburg, Germany cost $790. Through a discount agency. 3+ years ago.

I suppose if all you consider Europe to include is London, Paris, Amsterdam & Rome, then perhaps it is "cheap."
Europe in the summer is the moste expensive ... $600-$1000 tickets are not uncommon ... go there from mid September to early December ... or January to April if you want to save mega bucks.
i'll give you fucking gigantor, pea for brains ... where's the smily with an old lady waving her fist?